Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 1: Getting started

Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 1: Getting started

Answer the questions.

a. Where are Nick, Khang and Phong?

b. How is Hoi An?

c. Where do they decide to go first?

d. How do they go to Tan Ky House?

e. Who gives directions to Tan Ky House?

f. How does the girl give directions to Tan Ky House?


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Warmly welcome !6A 1Some famous tourist places in Viet Nam. UNIT 4 : MY NEIGHBOURHOODLesson 1: Getting started- cross the road- turn right / left- lost (adj)- go / keep straight Vocabulary:- historic (adj) Vocabulary:- historic (adj)= cổ, cổ kính- cross the road= băng qua đường- turn right / left= rẽ phải / trái- lost (adj)= lạc, thất lạc- go / keep straight= đi thẳngWhere are Phong, Nick, Khang?What’s the matter with them?Lost in the old town !1. Listen and read.Phong: Wow! We’re in Hoi An. I’m so excited!Nick: Me too.Khang: Yes. It’s so historic !Phong: So, where shall we go first?Nick: Let’s go to “Chua Cau”.Phong: Well, the map says Tan Ky House is nearer. Shall we go there first?Nick & Phong: Ok, surePhong: Shall we go by bicycle ? Nick: No, let’s walk there.Phong: Hmm, Ok. First cross the road, turn right and then go straight.Nick: Ok, let’s go.Phong: Wait.Khang: What’s up, Phong?Phong: Where are we now? I think we’re lost!Nick: Oh no! Look, there’s a girl. Let’s ask her.Phong: Excuse me? We’re lost! Can you tell us the way to Tan Ky House?Girl: Tan Ky House? Keep straight, then turn right. But it’s quicker to turn right here, then turn left.Phong: Thank you so much.Girl: My pleasure.Phong: Nick, let’s hurry.a. Where are Nick, Khang and Phong?b. How is Hoi An?c. Where do they decide to go first?d. How do they go to Tan Ky House?e. Who gives directions to Tan Ky House?f. How does the girl give directions to Tan Ky House?* Answer the questions.Tan Ky HouseChua CauPhố cổ Hội An là một đô thị cổ nằm ở hạ lưu sông Thu Bồn, thuộc vùng đồng bằng ven biển tỉnh Quảng Nam, Việt Nam, cách thành phố Đà Nẵng khoảng 30 km về phía Nam. Với những giá trị nổi bật, cuối năm 1999 (ngày 4 tháng 12), Tổ chức Giáo dục, Khoa học và Văn hóa Liên Hiệp Quốc (UNESCO) đã công nhận đô thị cổ Hội An là một di sản văn hóa thế giới, Chiếc cầu này được các thương nhân người Nhật Bản góp tiền xây dựng vào khoảng thế kỷ 17, nên đôi khi người ta còn gọi là cầu Nhật Bản. Năm 1653, người ta dựng thêm phần chùa, nối liền vào lan can phía Bắc, nhô ra giữa cầu, từ đó người địa phương gọi là Chùa Cầu.Năm 1719, chúa Nguyễn Phúc Chu thăm Hội An, đặt tên cho chiếc cầu là Lai Viễn Kiều, với ý nghĩa là "Cầu đón khách phương xa". Vốn là nơi gia đình ho Lê sinh sống 7 đời, chủ hiệu buôn Tấn Ký xây dựng ngôi nhà từ cuối thế kỷ XVIII. Mặt trước ngôi nhà thông ra phố Nguyễn Thái Học để mở hiệu buôn, mặt sau thông ra phía bờ sông, trên phố Bạch Đằng để thuận tiện cho việc nhập hàng hóa.Ngôi nhà là sự kết hợp giữ các phong cách kiến trúc Trung Hoa, Nhật Bản và Việt Nam. 	 1. The girl gives directions.2. Nick, Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An.3. Nick, Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House.4. Nick, Khang and Phong get lost.5. Phong looks at the map.6. Nick, Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House.1.2 Nick, Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An.2.5 Phong looks at the map.3.3 Nick, Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House.5.1 The girl gives directions.6.6 Nick, Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House. 1.a. Read and put the actions in order4.4 Nick, Khang and Phong get lost.1. a. we / shall / go / Where / first / ? b. to “Chua Cau” / go / let’s / .2. a. we / Shall / go / there / first / ? b. sure / Ok, / .3. a. by bicycle / we / Shall / go / ? b. let’s walk / No, / there / .1.b.Making suggestions Put the words in the correct order: 1. a. Where shall we go first?	 b. Let’s go to “Chua Cau”.	 2. a. Shall we go there first?	 b. Ok, sure.	 3. a. Shall we go by bicycle?	 b. No, let’s walk there.	 Phong: Wow! We’re in Hoi An. I’m so excited!Nick: Me too.Khang: Yes. It’s so historic!Phong: So, where shall we go first?Nick: Let’s go to “Chua Cau”.Phong: Well, the map says Tan Ky House is nearer. Shall we go there first? Nick & Khang: Ok, sure.Phong: Shall we go by bicycle?Nick: No, let’s walk there.Phong: Hmm, OK. First cross the road, turn right and then go straight.Nick: OK, let’s go.Phong: Wait.Khang: What’s up, Phong?Phong: Where are we now? I think we’re lost!Nick: Oh no! Look, there’s a girl. Let’s ask her.Phong: Excuse me? We’re lost! Can you tell us the way to Tan Ky House? Girl: Tan Ky house? Keep straight, then turn right. But it’s quicker to turn right here, then turn left.Phong: Thank you so much.Girl: My pleasure.Phong: Nick, let’s hurry. * Shall we + bare-inf. +) Ok, sure -) No, let’s + bare-inf. * Let’s + bare-inf. GRAMMAR:	Making suggestions. 	2.Work in pairs. Role- play making suggestions.Example:A: What shall we do this afternoon?B : Shall we play football?A : Oh, sure. * * *.A : What shall we do this evening?B : Shall we go to the cinema?A : No, let’s go out and have an ice cream. 3.Match the places ..Then listen , check and repeat the words E. square H. palaceF. cathedral C. memorialG. art gallery	A. statueB. railway station D. temple123456784. Think about where you live. Work in pairs.  Ask and answer questions about it.Example:A : Is there a theatre in your neighbourhood ?B : Yes, there is./ No there isn’t5. Match the instructions .. DIRECTIONS:Turn left at the traffic lightsGo along the streetGo straight onGo to the end of the roadTake the first turning on the leftGo past the bus stopCross the streetGo straight onTurn left at the traffic lightsGo past the bus stopTake the first turning on the leftGo to the end of the roadGo along the streetCross the street12345676. Give your partner directions to one of the places of the mapHomework:Do the exercises again.Be ready for A closer Look 1 

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