Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Period 31: Skills 1

Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Period 31: Skills 1

3. Answer the questions (Ex 2 – page 44).

1. Where is Khang’s neighbourhood ?

2. Why is his neighbourhood great for outdoor activities ?

3. What are the people there like ?

4. Why are the streets busy and crowded ?


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to visit our class Welcome all teachersJumbled words- bysu - fpaceeul - bueaitufl - grale - denrmo busypeacefulbeautifullargemodern1.Where is Khang’s neighbourhood ? 2.What do you think about it? Is it beautiful?3.Do you like living there? Period 31- UNIT 4: MY NEIGHBOURHOODLESSON 5: SKILLS 1 Backyard Suburb Dislike Beach Incredibly 	 Friday, December 23,.......MY NEIGHBOURHOODI’m back home now. Hoi An was great! My neighbourhood’s very different. It’s in the suburs of Da Nang City. There are many things I like about it.It’s great of outdoor activities because it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches, and fine weather. There’s almost everything I need here: shops, restaurants, and markets. Every house has a backyard and a frontyard. The people here are incredibly friendly. They’re friendlier than those in many other places ! And the food’s very good.However, there is one thing I dislike about it. Now, there are many modern buildings and offices so the streets are busy and crowded during the day.Can anyone write about what you like and don’t like about your neighbourhood ?	Posted by Khang at 4:55 PM1. Find these words in Khang’s blog. What do they mean ?suburbs	backyard dislike	incredibly	beaches	 Friday, December 23,.......MY NEIGHBOURHOODI’m back home now. Hoi An was great! My neighbourhood’s very different. It’s in the suburs of Da Nang City. There are many things I like about it.It’s great of outdoor activities because it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches, and fine weather. There’s almost everything I need here: shops, restaurants, and markets. Every house has a backyard and a frontyard. The people here are incredibly friendly. They’re friendlier than those in many other places ! And the food’s very good.However, there is one thing I dislike about it. Now, there are many modern buildings and offices so the streets are busy and crowded during the day.Can anyone write about what you like and don’t like about your neighbourhood ?	 Posted by Khang at 4:55 PM1.Find these words in Khang’s blog. What do they mean ?1. Vocabulary.- Suburb (n): ngoại ô- Backyard(n): sân sau- Dislike (v) > It’s in the suburs of Da Nang City. Lucky number 	2. Why is his neighbourhood great for outdoor activities ?-> Because it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches, and fine weather.Lucky number 3.What are the people there like ?-> The people there are incredibly friendly.Lucky number4. Why are the streets busy and crowded ?-> Because there are many modern buildings and offices. Lucky numberlucky number3. Answer the questions (Ex 2- p44).1.Where is Khang’s neighbourhood ?-> It’s in the suburbs of Da Nang City. 2. Why is his neighbourhood great for outdoor activities ?-> Because it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches, and fine weather.3. What are the people there like ?-> The people there are incredibly friendly.4. Why are the streets busy and crowded ?-> Because there are many modern buildings and offices. II. SPEAKING: (Ex 4- p 44)Look at the map of Khang’s neighbourhood.Inpairs, ask and anwer questions about how to get to the places on the map.Example: A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the beach?	 B: Yes. First, go straight. Then turn right. After that go straight again. It’s in front of you.	 A: Thank you very much.Art gallerySquareMarket Hospital4. AT HOME-Write your blog talk about what you like and don’t like about your neighbourhood. - Do exercise part D1,2,3 in workbook.- Prepare Unit 4 Lesson 6 Skills 2.The lesson is finishedGood bye!

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