Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 3: A closer look 2

Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 3: A closer look 2

2. Write the correct form of the verbs to complete the conversations

Nick: Hi there.

Sonny: Hello, Nick. Did you have a nice weekend?

Nick: Yeah, it (1.be) . OK. I (2. not do) .


 I just (3.sit) at home and (4. watch) TV.

 On Saturday afternoon, I (5. go) . fishing with

 my dad. How about you?

Sonny: Oh, I (6. have) . a good weekend.

Nick: Really? What (7. do) . you do?

Sonny: I (8. visit) . the museum with my family.

 Then we (9.eat) . at my favourite restaurant.

Nick: Did you watch football on Sunday?

Sonny: Oh, yeah. The player (10. score) . a fantastic



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UNIT 8: SPORTS AND GAMESLesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2* We use the simple past tense to talk about the past actions.* Formation: REGULAR VERBS : IRREGULAR VERBS :Be (am /is)-> was: Be (are )-> were Do – did Have /has - had Win – won Sit – sat Eat – ate I. Grammar: The past simple( + )S + V - ed( - )S + didn’t + V (Inf)( ? )Did + S + V (Inf) ?( + )( - )( ? )S + V (column 2)S + didn’t + V (Inf) Did + S + V (Inf) ?1. Complete the sentences with did, was or were1. The 2012 Olympic Games _____ held in London.2. - Who _____ the first man on the Moon? - Neil Armstrong.3. - I _____ at the gym last Sunday, but I _____ not see you there. -No. I _____ at my aunt's house.4. - _____ you climb Mount Fansipan when you ___ in Sapa? -Yes, I _____. It _____ tiring, but very interesting.werewas was didwasDidwasweredid2. Write the correct form of the verbs to complete the conversations Nick: Hi there.Sonny: Hello, Nick. Did you have a nice weekend?Nick: Yeah, it (1.be) .. OK. I (2. not do) .. much. I just (3.sit) at home and (4. watch) TV. On Saturday afternoon, I (5. go) .. fishing with my dad. How about you?Sonny: Oh, I (6. have) .. a good weekend.Nick: Really? What (7. do) .. you do?Sonny: I (8. visit) . the museum with my family. Then we (9.eat) . at my favourite restaurant.Nick: Did you watch football on Sunday?Sonny: Oh, yeah. The player (10. score) . a fantastic goal.wasdid not dosatwatched wenthaddidvisitedatescoredWe use Imperatives to tell someone to do something or to give a direct order.* Positive : V + ..* Negative: Don’t + V + Example: - It's chewing gum. - Chew it. - Don't swallow it.* GRAMMAR : Imperatives4. Write sentences to tell your friends what to do or not to do 1. It's raining. ___ your umbrella.Take2. Please _________.don’t litter3. It's late now. Please ___ up.hurry4. Exercising is good but too hard.don’t train5. It's cold. ___ on your coat. Put5. Tell friends what to do or not to do at the gymEXAMPLE:Put on your trainers= training shoesEXAMPLE:Don’t litter

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