Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Review 2 (Units 4+5+6) - Lesson 2: Skills

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Review 2 (Units 4+5+6) - Lesson 2: Skills

Activity 3. Answer the questions.

1. Where should you go in Singapore if you want to see the nature?

Rainforests, gardens, parks, the Zoo, Night Safari, Jurong Bird Park.

2. What is the special thing about Singapore’s museums and galleries?

They have impressive art collections, some of which are among the best and finest from all over the world.

3. When do the festivals and celebrations in the ethnic quarters take place?

4. What can families do in Sentosa?

They can have adventurous activities, visit historical monuments, or go to Resorts World Sentosa.


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0REVIEW 2 (UNITS 4 - 5 - 6)LESSON 2: SKILLSEnglish 6I. ReadingActivity 1. Read the website about Singapore and find the names of:1. 	a natural attraction2. 	an ethnic quarter3. 	a place to enjoy art collections4. 	a place for the whole family to have fun1Activity 1. (Cont)1. 	a natural attraction2. 	an ethnic quarter3. 	a place to enjoy art collections4. 	a place for the whole family to have fun2The Zoo, Night Safari, Jurong Bird ParkChinatown, Kampong Glam, Little IndiaArt Retreat, NUS Museum, Red Dot Design MuseumResorts World SentosaActivity 2. Read the website again. Match the paragraphs with four of the headings.a. 	Familyb. 	Sportsc. 	Cultured. 	Artse. 	Naturef. 	Shopping3a. Familyc. Culturee. Natured. ArtsActivity 3. Answer the questions.1. 	Where should you go in Singapore if you want to see the nature?2. 	What is the special thing about Singapore’s museums and galleries?3. 	When do the festivals and celebrations in the ethnic quarters take place?4. 	What can families do in Sentosa?4Rainforests, gardens, parks, the Zoo, Night Safari, Jurong Bird Park.They have impressive art collections, some of which are among the best and finest from all over the world.They happen all year round.They can have adventurous activities, visit historical monuments, or go to Resorts World Sentosa.II. SpeakingActivity 4. Work in pairs. Ask your friend if she/he has a chance to go to Singapore, which place he/ she wants to go to and why.5III. ListeningActivity 5. Listen to Mai’s family talking to a travel agent about their trip to Singapore. When do they want to go there?6Mai’s family will go to Singapore at Tet.Activity 6. Listen again. Decide if these sentences areTrue (T) or False (F).1. 	The family will spend a week in Singapore.2. 	They will do a lot of shopping.3. 	Bukit Timah is a natural attraction.4. 	Mai and Bin searched for information about Singapore on the Internet.5. 	They will see some celebrations in Chinatown.6. 	They must book their air tickets early.7FFTTTTIV. WritingActivity 7. Write the contents of a website introducing the city/town where you live or the nearest city/town to where you live. Choose four of these headings to include in your writing:Culture: e.g. What are the typical festivals?Arts: e.g. Are there any museums or galleries?Nature: e.g. Are there any forests, mountains, or lakes?Sports: e.g. What are the most popular sports?Shopping: e.g. Where’s a good place for shopping? What can people buy there?Family: e.g. Are there any activities for family?Hotels: e.g. What are some good hotels to stay in?8V. HomeworkLearn vocabulary and the structure by heart. Do exercise in your work bookPrepare the next lesson9

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