Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 3: My friends - Period 21: Communication

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 3: My friends - Period 21: Communication

3. Look for your star sign. Do you a gree with the description?

Work in pairs:

What are you doing at the weekend?

What is your star sign?

What does the star sign tell about your personality?

Do you agree with the description?


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English 6UNIT 3 . MY FRIENDSPERIOD 21: COMMUNICATIONWelcome to our classGame:independent nhạy cảm, dễ xúc độngcurioustò mò, thích tìm hiểusensitive 12đáng tin cậy 11có tinh thần trách nhiệmreliableyêu tự do1responsibleđộc lậpfreedom-loving547ABWINNERWINNERKQKQ311101291548627K1089632Firework competitionGame:What are you doing at the weekend?Friends around the worldAdia (Nigeria)Tom (the USA)John (England)Vinh (Viet Nam)Noriko (Japan) - choir (n) : dàn hợp xướng - firework competition (n) :hội thi bắn pháo hoa - greyhound racing (n) :cuộc đua chó - field trip (n) : Chuyến đi thực tế - temple (n) :Đền - volunteer (n) : tình nguyện viên - independent (adj) :tính độc lập - curious (adj) : tò mò - freedom-loving (adj) :yêu tự do - responsible (adj ) :có trách nhiệm - reliable (adj) :đáng tin cậyI. VOCABULARYIndependentActivePatientHard-workingTalkativeSensitiveCaringIntelligentCompetitiveCreativeCarefulKindtốt bụngCẩn thậnSáng tạo Cạnh tranhHay nói Thông minhĐộc lậpNăng độngKiên trì Chăm chỉNhạy cảmChu đáo Matching1. Read this page from 4Teen magazine.ADIA: (Yobe, Nigeria)Birthday 15/5 On Saturday I’m helping my parents in the field as usual. Then on Sunday we’re singing at our village’s choir club. It’s so exciting !NameBirthdayWhat to do at the weekendAdia15 / 5- Helping her parents in the field.- Singing at the village’s choir club.NameBirthdayWhat to do at the weekend VINH: (Da Nang, Viet Nam)Birthday 7/12 I’m going to my English club this Saturday. Then on Sunday I’m going to Han River with my parents to watch the international firework competition. You can watch it live on TV.Vinh7 / 12- Going to English Club.- Going to Han River to watch the international firework competition. JOHN: (Cambridge, England)Birthday 7/12 This Saturday I’m doing the gardening with my mum. Then on Sunday my parents are taking me to London to see the greyhound racing. It’s my birthday present! NameBirthdayWhat to do at the weekendJohn26 / 2- Doing the gardening with Mum.- Going to London to see the greyhound racing. TOM: (New York, US) Birthday 19/1 Our school is visiting a fire station in the neighborhood this Saturday. It’s a field trip for our project. We’re talking to firefighters and checking our different fire trucks. On Sunday, I’m going to the movies with my friends. That’s great!NameBirthdayWhat to do at the weekendTom19 / 1- Visiting a fire station in the neighborhood. - Going to the movies with friends.NameBirthdayWhat to do at the weekendNoriko21 / 8- Going to class, a volunteer teacher there.NORIKO: ( Sakai, Japan)Birthday 21 / 8 On Saturday, I’m going to class at the Friends of Ikebana society. I’m volunteer teacher there. Then I’m travelling to Shitennoji Temple in Osaka with my new English friends.- Travelling to Shitennoji Temple with new English friends.2. Find the star sign of each friend to find out about their personality. Do you think the description is correct?2 Star sign: Ex2-P31Taurus ['tɔ:rəs] Aries ['eəri:z]Gemini['dʒeminai] Cancer /'kænsə/Leo ['li:ou] Virgo ['və:gou] Libra ['li:brə] Scorpio['skɔ:piou] Sagittarius[,sædʒi'teəriəs]Capricorn ['kæprikɔ:n]Aquarius [ə'kweəriəs] Pisces[‘paisi:z] DESCRIPTION OF STAR SIGNAries(Bạch Dương)21/3 – 20/4 independent, active, freedom-lovingTaurus(Kim Ngưu)21/4 – 20/5patient, reliable, hard-workingGemini(Song Tử)21/5 – 20/6talkative, curious, activeCancer(Cự Giải)21/6 – 20/7sensitive, caring, intelligentLeo(Sư Tử)21/7 – 20/8confident, competitive, creativeVirgo(Xử Nữ)21/8 – 20/9careful, helpful, hard-workingDESCRIPTION OF STAR SIGNLibra(Thiên Bình)21/9 – 20/10talkative, friendly, creativeScorpio(Thiên Yết)21/10 - 20/11careful, responsible, curiousSagittarius (Nhân Mã) 21/11 - 20/12independent, freedom-loving, confidentCapricorn(Ma Kết)21/12 – 20/1careful, hard-working, seriousAquarius(Bảo Bình)21/1 – 20/2friendly, independent, freedom-loving - Pisces (Song Ngư)21/2 – 20/3kind, helpful, creativeLUCKY NUMBERS12345678910AB22468101214141210864NameBirthdayStar signPersonalityAdia15/5Vinh7/12John26/2Tom19/1Noriko21/83. Complete the tableTaurusSagittariusPiscesCapricornVirgoPatient, reliable, hardworkingIndependent, freedom-loving, confidentKind, helpful, creativeCareful, hard-working, serious. Careful, helpful, hard-workingWork in group:When is his/her birthday ?What is his/her star sign?What does the star sign tell about his/her personality?Do you agree with the description?Work in pairs:What are you doing at the weekend?What is your star sign?What does the star sign tell about your personality?Do you agree with the description?3. Look for your star sign. Do you a gree with the description?Work in pairs:When’s your birthday ?It’s on .What does the star sign tell about your personality? 4 Think about your friends’ personalities. What star signs do you think they are correct! HOMEWORKReview the adjectives of personality.Prepare for next lesson (Skills 1)AQUARIUS (21/1-20/2) What’s the personality of an Aquarius?An Aquarius is friendly, independent and freedom-loving.1009080706050001020304Lucky numberLIBRA (21/9-20/10) What’s the personality of a Libra?A Libra is talkative, friendly, and creative.1009080706050001020304ARIES (21/3-20/4) What’s the personality of an Aries?An Aries is independent, active and freedom-loving.1009080706050001020304LEO (21/7-20/8) What’s the personality of a Leo?A Leo is confident, competitive and creative.1009080706050001020304CANCER (21/6-20/7) What’s the personality of a Cancer?An Aquarius is sensitive, caring and intelligent.1009080706050001020304Lucky NumberSCORPIO (21/10-20/11) What’s the personality of a Scorpio?A Scorpio is careful, responsible and curious.1009080706050001020304GEMINI (21/5-20/6) What’s the personality of an Gemini?A Gemini is talkative, curious and active.1009080706050001020304Lucky numberSpin WheelTHE BIG WHEELPAIR

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