Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Năm học 2020-2021

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Năm học 2020-2021

Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences

1. This house is than that house.(modern)

2. This park is than that park. (beautiful)

3. Living in a house is . than living in a flat. (convenient)

4. Living in a city is . . than living in

the countryside. (interesting)

5. Things in this shop are . than things in the supermarket. (expensive).


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MATCHING1. narrow2. noisy3. slim 4. cheap 5. modern 6. convenient7. interesting 8. expensive 9. historic 10. comfortablea. rẻb. chật, hẹpc. cổ, cổ kínhd. thuận lợi e. ồn ào f. đắt, mắcg. thanh mảnhh. hiện đại i. thú vị j. thoải máiBA1-b	2-e3-g	4-a	5-h	6-d	7-i	8-f	9-c	10-jFriday, November 6th 2020UNIT 4: MY NEIGHBOURHOODLesson 3: A closer look 2Comparative adjectivesone syllable: tall, short, slim, big, cheap, hot, fat TomJim1. Short adjectives: (tính từ ngắn)Ex: Tom is taller than Jim.= Jim is shorter than Tom.Comparative adjectivesForm: S1+ be (am/ is/ are)+ adjer + than +S2grammarMeaning: .hơn ..Use: dùng để so sánh hơn ( tính từ ngắn)talltallershortshorter Positive Comparative one syllablelargelargernoisynoisierfastfaster+ er+ rtwo syllabley ierslimslimmerTận cùng là 1 phụ âm, trước nó là 1 nguyên âm, ta gấp đôi phụ âm, rồi thêm er.Than – “than” is used to make comparisons:happydrybusybighota, e, o, u, i5 nguyên âmslim1 Ann is slimmer than LauraS1+ be (am/ is/ are)+ adjer + than +S22.This building is . than that building. (tall)3. The square in Ha Noi is than the square in Hoi An.(big)4. My neighbourhood is ..than your neighbourhood.(noisy)5. The Green Hotel is .. . than the Palace Hotel. (cheap) Model: Ann is than Laura. (slim)slimmerExercise 1: Complete the following sentencestallerbiggernoisiercheaperADJECTIVES1. tall2. short3. slim 4. cheap 5. big6. hotlong adjshort adj1. modern 2. convenient3. interesting 4. expensive 5. historic 6. comfortable1. simple2. narrow3. clever4. quietComparative adjectivestwo or more syllables: modern, interesting, convenient, 2. Long adjectives:Ex: The city house is more modern than the country house.Form: S1 + be (am/is/are) + more + adj + than + S2The city houseThe country houseMeaning: .hơn ..Use: dùng để so sánh hơn ( tính từ dài)____modern____ Positive Comparative two syllablemodernmore modern more + adjthree or more syllableexpensivemore expensive more + adjbeautifulmore beautifulThan – “than” is used to make comparisons:That housemodernThis houseThis house is ___________than that house. (modern)S1 + be (am/is/are) + more + adj + than + S2more modern1. This house is than that house.(modern)2. This park is than that park. (beautiful)3. Living in a house is ... than living in a flat. (convenient)4. Living in a city is .. . than living in the countryside. (interesting)5. Things in this shop are .. than things in the supermarket. (expensive).more modernExercise 2: Complete the following sentencesmore beautifulmore convenientmore interestingmore expensive Dear Nick, How are you? Ha Noi is beautiful! But it is too busy and polluted for me. I’m at Cua Lo Beach now. I’m having a great time. The weather is (0. hot) .. and (1. dry) .. . than that in Ha Noi. The houses are (2. small) and the buildings are (3. old) than the buildings in Ha Noi. The streets are (4. wide) . .. with less traffic. I love the food here. The seafood here is (5.delicious) .and (6. cheap) ... than the seafood in Ha Noi. See you soon, VyAct 3: Read and complete Vy’s letter to her friend. hotterdriersmallerolderwidermore deliciouscheaperEx: 1. Yen Binh is more crowded than Long Son.1. crowded 2. noisy3. modern 4. beautiful 5. peacefulAct 4 : Write the differences of Yen Binh neighbourhood and Long Son neighbourhood 2. Yen Binh is noisier than Long Son.3. Yen Binh is more modern than Long Son.5. Long Son is more peaceful than Yen Binh.4. Yen Binh is more beautiful than Long Son.Yen BinhLong SonExample: 1. A: Is Yen Binh more crowded than Long Son? B: Yes, it is.2. A: Is Long Son more modern than Yen Binh? B: No, it isn’t.1. Yen Binh / crowded / Long Son?2. Long Son / modern / Yen Binh?3. Yen Binh / noisy / Long Son?4. Long Son / polluted / Yen Binh?5. Long Son / quiet / Yen Binh?Act6: Ask and answer questions about Yen Binh neighbourhood and Long Son neighbourhood using the pictures in 4Yen BinhLong Son Homework: 1. Review the structures.2. Do the exercises 5, 7 at home.3. Prepare CommunicationQuestion 1Is Ho Chi Minh city is ________than Ha Noi? (big) biger bigger more bigKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?Question 2Is a house in the city ________ than a house in the countryside ? (expensive) expensive expensiver more expensive Key123456789Finish10sWho is faster?Question 3Is a sofa __________than a chair ? (comfortable) more comfortable comfortabler comfortableKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?Question 4Is Hoi An _________ than Hue? (historic) historic more historic historicerKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?Question 5Living in a house is_________ than living in a flat. (convenient)more convenientconvenientermore convenienterKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?

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  • pptbai_giang_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_4_my_neighbourhood_lesson_3_a.ppt