Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 7: Looking back & Project - Năm học 2020-2021

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 7: Looking back & Project - Năm học 2020-2021

C. Communication

Ex6-P46: Order sentences.

a. Excuse me! Is there a post office near here?

b. It’s on Quang Trung Street, opposite the park.

c. Yes, there’s one at the corner of the street.

d. Is Ha Noi more exciting than Vinh City?

e. Yes, it is.

f. What shall we do this evening?

g. Let’s stay at home and watch TV.

h. Where is the cinema?


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Welcome to our class !Quynh’s caféSupermarketSecondary schoolArt gallery Unit 4. My neighborhood§32. Lesson 7: Looking back & ProjectThursday, May 13, 2021Kim's gameA. Vocabulary:5/13/2021Ex1-P46: Write the correct word. 1. _______________2. _________________3. _______________6. _______________5. _______________4. _______________statuecathedralmemorialtempleparkrailway station5/13/20211. The town has many motorbikes. It’s very___________.2. The streets aren’t wide, they’re____________.3. The buildings are____________. They were built 200 years ago.4. The new market is______________ to me because it’s a long walk from my house.5. Things at the corner shops are _____________ _________________ than those at the supermarket.Period 32. Unit 4. My neighbourhoodLesson 7. Looking back & Project.*Ex2-P46: Gap fill.noisynarrowhistoricinconvenientcheaper /A. Vocabulary more expensive 5/13/2021Period 32. Unit 4. My neighbourhoodLesson 7. Looking back & Project.B. Grammar:* Ex3-P46convenientheavyfastexpensiveexcitinghappyhotquietlargenoisydifficultpolluted5/13/2021 - Syllable(n): âm tiếtQuietnoisierNoisyQuieterPollutedMore polutedLargeLarger12345678* Ex4-P46: Game PelmanismPeriod 32. Unit 4. My neighbourhoodLesson 7. Looking back & project.* Ex4-P46:Adjectives Comparative formFastConvenientNoisyDifficultHeavyExpensiveHappyHotPollutedExcitingLargeQuietFaster more convenientNoisiermore difficultHeaviermore ExpensiveHappierHottermore Pollutedmore ExcitingLargerQuieter5/13/2021*Ex5-P46:13524 *Ex5-P46:1. Noisier than2. More modern than3. More convenient than4. More beautiful than5. More expensive than.Complete the sentences:Game:Get starfruits pay goldWhy do you eat my starfruits ???12345876109Get starfruits pay golds!What do you choose the number?12345C1C2C3C4C5Question 1:This street is that oneThis street is noisier than that oneQuestion 2:A city house is ..a country house.A city house is more modern thana country houseQuestion: 3Going by car is going by bicycle in this area.Going by car is more convenient thangoing by bicycle in this area.Question: 4This building is that one.This building is more beautiful thanthat one.Question: 5Things in this shop are . things in that shop. Things in this shop are more expensive than things in that shop. Period 32. Unit 4. My neighbourhoodLesson 7. Looking back & Project.C. Communication*Ex6-P46: Order sentences.a. Excuse me! Is there a post office near here?b. It’s on Quang Trung Street, opposite the park.c. Yes, there’s one at the corner of the street.d. Is Ha Noi more exciting than Vinh City?e. Yes, it is.f. What shall we do this evening?g. Let’s stay at home and watch TV.h. Where is the cinema?5/13/2021Ex 6.Match the questions with the correct answers.a. Excuse me! Is there a post office near here?b. It’s on Quang Trung Street, opposite the park.c. Yes, there’s one at the corner of the street.d. Is Ha Noi more exciting than Vinh City?e. Yes, it is.f. What shall we do this evening?g. Let’s stay at home and watch TV.h. Where is the cinema?Excuse me! Is there a post office near here?c. Yes, there’s one at the corner of the street.d. Is Ha Noi more exciting than Vinh City? e. Yes, it is. f. What shall we do this evening? g. Let’s stay at home and watch TV.h. Where is the cinema?b. It’s on Quang Trung Street, opposite the park.5/13/2021? WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL NEIGHBOURHOOR?D. PROJECT: a lot of trees and flowers playgrounds for kids and old people some amusement parks and rivers many modern houses and buildings5/13/2021E. HomeworkReview the vocabulary. Make 4 sentences, using comparative adjectives.Do Project.Prepare: Unit 5 – Getting started.5/13/2021Places in your neighborhood?Temple Statue Thanks for joining us today !GOOD BYE!

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