Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Period: A closer look 2

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Period: A closer look 2

Exercise 3: Read and complete Vy’s letter to her friend.

Dear Nick,

 How are you?

 Ha Noi is beautiful! But it is too busy and polluted for me. I’m at Cua Lo Beach now. I’m having a great time. The weather is (0. hot)  . and (1. dry) . . than that in Ha Noi. The houses are (2. small)   and the buildings are (3. old) than the buildings in Ha Noi. The streets are (4. wide) . .  with less traffic. I love the food here. The seafood here is (5.delicious)  .and (6. cheap) .  than the seafood in Ha Noi.

 Well, outside the sun is shining so I'm off to get some fresh air.

 See you soon,


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English 6UNIT 4 . MY NEIGHBOURHOODPERIOD 29: A CLOSER LOOK 2Welcome to our classMATCHING1. narrow2. noisy3. slim 4. cheap 5. modern 6. convenient7. interesting 8. expensive 9. crowded 10. peacefula. rẻb. chật, hẹpc. đông đúc d. thuận lợi e. ồn ào f. đắtg. thanh mảnhh. hiện đại i. thú vị j. thanh bìnhBAone syllable: tall, large, big, small, long, short, TomJim1. Short adjectives:Ex: Tom is taller than Jim.= Jim is shorter than Tom.Comparative adjectivesStructure: S1+ tobe+ adj + er + than +S2grammarNOTE: Positive Comparative one syllablelargelargernoisynoisierfastfaster+ er+ rtwo syllabley iermodernmore modern more + adjThree or more syllableexpensivemore expensive more + adjbeautifulslimslimmerTận cùng là 1 phụ âm, trước nó là 1 nguyên âm, thêm 1 phụ âm nữa mới thêm er.more beautifulThan – “than” is used to make comparisons:Than – “than” is used to make comparisons:My bag is heavier than yoursMy house in a city is more expensive than a house in the countryside.slim1This building That buildingtall2The square in Hoi An The square in Ha Noi big 3Your neighbourhood My neighbourhood noisy4The palace hotelThe green hotelcheap51.This building is . than that building. (tall)2. The square in Ha Noi is .. than the square in Hoi An.(big)3. My neighbourhood is than your neighbourhood.(noisy)4. The Green Hotel is .. . than the Palace Hotel. (cheap) Model: Ann is than Laura. (slim)slimmerExercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.tallerbiggernoisiercheapertwo or more syllables: modern, interesting, convenient, expensive, 2. Long adjectives:Ex1: The city house is more modern than the country house.Ex2: The city house is more expensive than the country house.Structure: S1 + tobe + more + adj + than + S2That housemodernThis houseThis parkThat parkbeautiful Living in a houseconvenientLiving in a flat Living in a cityLiving in the countrysideinterestingThings in this shop Things in the supermarket expensiveModel:.This house is than that house.(modern)1. This park is than that park. (beautiful)2. Living in a house is ... than living in a flat. (convenient)3. Living in a city is .. . than living in the countryside. (interesting)4. Things in this shop are .. than things in the supermarket. (expensive).more modernExercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the comparative form of the long adjectives in brackets.more beautifulmore convenientmore interestingmore expensiveExercise 3: Read and complete Vy’s letter to her friend. Dear Nick, How are you? Ha Noi is beautiful! But it is too busy and polluted for me. I’m at Cua Lo Beach now. I’m having a great time. The weather is (0. hot) .. and (1. dry) .. . than that in Ha Noi. The houses are (2. small) and the buildings are (3. old) than the buildings in Ha Noi. The streets are (4. wide) . .. with less traffic. I love the food here. The seafood here is (5.delicious) .and (6. cheap) ... than the seafood in Ha Noi. Well, outside the sun is shining so I'm off to get some fresh air. See you soon, Vyhotterdriersmallerolderwidermore deliciouscheaperEx: 1. Yen Binh is more crowded than Long Son.1. crowded 2. noisy3. modern 4. beautiful 5. peacefulExercise 4 : Write the differences of Yen Binh neighbourhood and Long Son neighbourhood 2. Yen Binh is noisier than Long Son.3. Yen Binh is more modern than Long Son.5. Long Son is more peaceful than Yen Binh.4. Yen Binh is more beautiful than Long Son.1. Is Ho Chi Minh City .. than Ha Noi? (big)2. Is a house in the city .. than a house in the countryside? (expensive)3. Is a sofa .. than a chair ? (comfortable)4. Is Hoi An than Hue ? (historic)5. Are your streets than ours ? (narrow)Exercise 5: Complete the following sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.biggermore expensivemore comfortablemore hictoricnarrowerExample: 1. A: Is Yen Binh more crowded than Long Son? B: Yes, it is.2. A: Is Long Son more modern than Yen Binh? B: No, it isn’t.1. Yen Binh / crowded / Long Son?2. Long Son / modern / Yen Binh?3. Yen Binh / noisy / Long Son?4. Long Son / beautiful / Yen Binh?5. Long Son / peaceful / Yen Binh?Exercise 6: Ask and answer questions about Yen Binh neighbourhood and Long Son neighbourhood using the pictures in 4Example: 1. A: Is Hue busier than Danang ? B: No, it isn’t.2. A: Is Da Lat more beautiful than Hoi An ? B: No, it isn’t.beautiful	boring	exciting	friendlysmall	hot	wet	convenient	Exercise 7: Ask and answer questions about the places that you know. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in the boxWho is faster?Who is faster?Question 6Question 7Question 8Question 9Question 10Question 1Question 2Question 3Question 4Question 5HomeQuestion 1Is Ho Chi Minh city is ________than Ha Noi? (big) biger bigger more bigKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 2Is a house in the city ________ than a house in the countryside ? (expensive) expensive expensiver more expensive Key123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 3Is a sofa __________than a chair ? (comfortable) more comfortable comfortabler comfortableKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 4Is Hoi An _________ than Hue? (historic) historic more historic historicerKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 5Living in a house is_________ than living in a flat. (convenient)more convenientconvenientermore convenienterKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 6The buildings in Ha Noi are_________ than the buildings in Ha Noi. (old)old more olderolderKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 7The streets Cua lo are _________ than the streets in Ha Noi. (wide)wideer widermore wide Key123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 8Is the seafood here _________ than the seafood in Ha Noi. (delicious)delicious deliciouermore delicious Key123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 9The weather in Cua Lo is_________ than that in Ha Noi. (dry))more dryerdryerdrierKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster?HomeQuestion 10Are your streets_________ than ours? (narrow)narrowerare narrowermore narrowKey123456789Finish10sWho is faster? Homework: 1. Review the structures.2. Do the exercises 5, 7.3. Prepare Communication

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  • pptbai_giang_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_4_my_neighbourhood_period_a_c.ppt