Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Đặng Thúy An

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Đặng Thúy An

Exercise 2. Write the correct form of the verbs to complete the conversation.

Nick: Hi there.

Sonny: Hello, Nick. Did you have a nice weekend?

Nick: Yeah, it (1. be) ____ OK. I (2. not do) _______ much. I just (3. sit) ____ at home and (4. watch) ________ TV. On Saturday afternoon, I (5. go) ______ fishing with my dad. How about you?

Sonny: Oh, I (6. have) ______ a good weekend.

Nick: Really? What (7. do) ______ you do?

Sonny: I (8. visit) _______ the museum with my family. Then we (9. eat) ___ at my favourite restaurant.

Nick: Did you watch football on Sunday?

Sonny: Oh, yeah. The player (10. score) ________ a fantastic goal.


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UNIT 8: SPORTS AND GAMESLesson 3: A Closer Look 2Teacher : Đặng Thúy AnMôn: Tiếng Anh 6A. GRAMMARThe past simple (Thì quá khứ đơn)I. Cách dùng của thì quá khứ đơnThì quá khứ đơn được dùng để diễn tả những hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ.Ví dụ:Yesterday, I went to bed late. II. Dạng thức của thì quá khứ đơnVới động từ to be:(+) S + was / were + (-) S + wasn’t / weren’t + (?) Was / Were + S + ?Chú ý: I / He / She / It + was We / You / They + wereE.g:- That was not/wasn’t a good story. (Đó không phải là một câu chuyện hay)You didn’t understand me. (Bạn đã không hiểu tôi.)- Were you sick? (Bạn bệnh hả?)2. Với động từ thường:(+) S + V2/-ed + ...(-) S + didn’t + V(nguyên thể) +...(?) Did + S + V(nguyên thể) +...?E.g: - My family went to the cinema last week. (Tuần trước gia đình tôi đã đi xem phim.)My family didn't go to the cinema last week. (Tuần trước gia đình tôi đã không đi xem phim.) Did your family go to the cinema last week? (Tuần trước gia đình bạn có đi xem phim không?)Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with did, was, or were.1. The 2012 Olympic Games ____ held in London.2. - Who _______ the first man on the Moon?- Neil Armstrong.3. - I _____ at the gym last Sunday, but I ______ not see you there.- No, I _____ at my aunt’s house.4. - _____ you climb Mount Fansipan when you _____ in Sapa?- Yes, I ____. It ____ tiring, but very interesting.werewaswasdidwasDidweredidwasExercise 2. Write the correct form of the verbs to complete the conversation.Nick:	Hi there.Sonny: Hello, Nick. Did you have a nice weekend?Nick:	Yeah, it (1. be) ____ OK. I (2. not do) _______ much. I just (3. sit) ____ at home and (4. watch) ________ TV. On Saturday afternoon, I (5. go) ______ fishing with my dad. How about you?Sonny:	Oh, I (6. have) ______ a good weekend.Nick:	Really? What (7. do) ______ you do?Sonny:	I (8. visit) _______ the museum with my family. Then we (9. eat) ___ at my favourite restaurant.Nick:	Did you watch football on Sunday?Sonny:	Oh, yeah. The player (10. score) ________ a fantastic goal.wasdidn’t dosatwatchedwenthaddidvisitedatescoredExercise 3. Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about last weekend.*Survey:Examples:Ann: Did you have a good weekend?Bi: Oh yes, and I was excited.Ann: Really? What did you do?Bi: I stayed at home, did my homework, help mum with cooking and played chess with my brother.Example:We use imperatives to tell someone to do something, or to give a direct order. (Chúng ta sử dụng câu mệnh lệnh để yêu cầu người khác làm gì hoặc đưa ra một mệnh lệnh trực tiếp.)B. IMPERATIVES (thể mệnh lệnh)It’s chewing gum.Chew it.Don’t swallow it.a) Form:(+) V ...(-) Don’t + V...b) Usage:+) Chew it.-) Don’t swallow it.Exercise 4. Write sentences to tell your friends what to do or not to do.1 It’s raining. _____your umbrella. Please ____________.3. It’s late now. Please____ up.4 Exercising is good but _________ too hard.5. It’s cold. ______ on your coat.Takedon’tlitterhurrydon’t trainPutExercise 5. Tell your friends what to do and what not to do at the gym.Examples: - Change your clothes. - Don’t talk loudly.- Pay your fee first.- Put on your trainers/ sports shoes.- Listen to the instructor carefully.- Don‛t litter.- Don‛t eat or drink at the gym.Some possible sentences:Study the lessonDo exercise B1,2 on the workbook.Tell your friends what to do or what not to do at the school.Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 8: CommunicationGOOGBYE AND SEE YOU LATER.

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