Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Chương trình cả năm (Sách cũ)

I, Objectives :
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know saying goodbye
II, Language contents :
1, Grammar : simple present
2, Vocabulary : good morning , good afternoon , good evening , good night , goodbye ,
bye , children .
III, Techniques : Listen and repeat , speak , write .
IV, Teaching aids : cassette player , pictures .
V, Times : 45 minutes
VI, Procedures :
T’s activities Ss’ activities Content
1. Warm up. (chatting)
T asks question
T presents the lesson .
It ‘s about greetings.
2. Presentation (15’).
T asks Ss to look at the picture and points out the clock .T says It ‘s 7 oclock and I can say “ good morning”
-T gets Ss to predict the meaning of the words in each picture
T presents new words .
T makes example .If it’s 8 oclock I can greet “ good morning ”.
T gives the cues
* T presents numbers from 11 to 15
-Rub out and remember to check
- picture drill.
*T gets Ss to listen to the tape and guess what time it is .
-T gives situation and time , asks Ss to practice part a, in groups , part b in pairs .
4. Consolidation.
* T gives the open dialogue and asks Ss to fill in the gaps .
5. Home work
Greeting and answer the question .
-listen .
-look at the picture and listen to the teacher .
Look at the picture and guess.
Listen and repeat .
Listen to the teacher .
- Practice individual.
Listen and read.
- read
Practice in pairs
S1: seven and eight .
S2 : fifteen
-listen and guess .
Part” a” in group .
Part “ b” in pairs
-work in pair to fill in the gaps .
Learn new words
Do part B in workbook.
How are you today?
New words .
The greetings:good + .(time)
New words .
Eleven :11
Twelve :12
Thirteen :13
Fourteen : 14
Fifteen : 15
7 + 8 ; 10 + 2 ;5 + 6 ; 7 +5 ;6 + 8 ;
3 +7 .
Lan: Good afternoon , Nga
Nga :.
Lan: How are you ?
Nga: .,.?
Lan : Fine , thanks .
Nga: Goodbye.
Lan : .
MÔN TIẾNG ANH 6 (Dùng cho các cơ quan quản lý giáo dục và giáo viên, áp dụng từ năm học 2011-2012) thùc hiÖn theo chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng míi LỚP 6 Cả năm học: 37 tuần (105 tiết) Trong đó có các tiết dành cho ôn tập, kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra thường xuyên và định kỳ. HỌC KỲ I Bài/Unit Nội dung Số tiết Hướng dẫn học/kiểm tra đầu năm 2 1 Greetings 5 2 At school 5 3 At home 5 Grammar practice 1 Kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra 2 4 Big or Small ? 5 5 Things I do 5 Grammar practice 1 6 Places 5 Kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra 2 7 Your house 5 8 Out and about 5 Grammar practice 1 Ôn tập và kiểm tra học kỳ I 5 TỔNG SỐ TIẾT 53 HỌC KỲ II Bài/Unit Nội dung Số tiết 9 The body 5 10 Staying healthy 5 11 What do I eat 5 Grammar practice 1 Kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra 2 12 Sports and pastimes 5 13 Activities and seasons 5 14 Making plans 5 Grammar practice 1 Kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra 2 15 Countries 5 16 Man and the environment 5 Grammar practice 1 Ôn tập và kiểm tra học kỳ II 5 TỔNG SỐ TIẾT 52 Bé gi¸o ¸n TiÕng anh 6c¶ n¨m 3 cét chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng míi 2011-2012 English 6 class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Period 1 : Giới thiệu m«n học tiếng anh I. Ñaëc ñieåm tình hình : Caùc em lôùp 6 böôùc ñaàu hoïc tieáng anh neân coù raát nhieàu ham muoán vaø khao khat ñöôïc tim hieåu.Vi vaäy giaùo vieân caàn : - Giôùi thieäu vieäc aùp duïng tieáng anh trong thöïc teá hieân nay - Giôí thieäu caáu truùc baøi hoïc : 16 baøi,gaàn guõi vôùi caùc hoaït ñoäng haèng ngaøy - Tranh aûnh ñeïp II. Phöông phaùp hoïc tieáâng anh : 1. Taïi tröôøng :- Nghe thaày , nghe maùy thaät kó ñeåû naém thoâng tin - Taäp noùi theo thaày , theo baïn , . Noùi ñuùng ngöõ ñieäu - Maïnh daïn phaùt bieåu baøi - Naém vöõng caùc ñieåm ngöõ phaùp ñaõ hoïc , cac caáu truùc caâu - Ghi cheùp ñaøy ñuû , chính xaùc 2.Taïi nhaø : -OÂân laïi baøi hoïc ngay sau khi co tieát hoïc ôû lôùp - Döïa vaøo caùc caáu truùc daõ hoïc vaø caùc ngöõ lieäu ñaõ hoïc ñeå taäp noùi cuøng baïn - Taäp vieát caùc töø môùi vaø oân luyeân thöôøng xuyeân - Ghi töø môùi vaøo soå tay hoïc taäp III. Caùc taøi lieäu vaø phöông tieän : - Baêng vaø maùy - Taøi lieäu tröïc quan- Taøi lieäu hoå trôï - Tranh aûnh - Baûng cuoán - ...... IV. CÊu tróc s¸ch TiÕng Anh 6. *Gi¸o viªn giíi thiÖu cho häc sinh: - Cuèn TiÕng Anh 6 gåm 16 ®¬n vÞ bµi häc ( Units), mçi bµi häc t¬ng øng víi mét chñ ®Ò vµ ®îc chia lµm nhiÒu tiÕt häc ®îc ph¸t triÓn theo tr×nh tù c¸c chñ ®Ò. - Ch¬ng tr×nh häc trong n¨m: C¶ n¨m: 3 tiÕt. 37 tuÇn = 105 tiÕt K× I : 3 tiÕt. 19 tuÇn = 53 tiÕt K× II : 3 tiÕt. 18 tuÇn = 52 tiÕt - §iÓm : M: 2 15’ : 2 V: 2 HK: 1 - Cã ®Çy ®ñ trang thiÕt bÞ, då dïng häc tËp: M¸y c¸t sÐt, tranh ¶nh, ®å vËt minh ho¹ cho c¸c néi dung gi¶ng d¹y. V. Häc sinh: - Häc sinh ph¶i lµ chñ thÓ cña ho¹t ®éng häc tËp: cã ®éng c¬ häc tËp ®óng ®¾n, tÝch cùc & chñ ®éng tiÕp thu kiÕn thøc, ch¨m chØ ho¹t ®éng tham gia c¸c ho¹t ®éng giao tiÕp, m¹nh d¹n tÝch cùc & cã chñ ®Þnh, cã s¸ng t¹o sö dông TiÕng Anh trong ho¹t ®éng giao tiÕp. - KÕt hîp ho¹t ®éng häc tËp trªn líp vµ lµm bµi tËp ë nhµ. - Häc sinh tham gia ho¹t ®éng häc tËp díi sù híng dÉn cña gi¸o viªn. Cã ®Çy ®ñ s¸ch vë, ®å dïng häc tËp phôc vô cho m«n häc TiÕng Anh 6. ( SGK, s¸ch bµi tËp, s¸ch bæ trî vµ n©ng cao, mét sè s¸ch tham kh¶o, cã thÓ dïng ®µi b¨ng ®Ó luyÖn nghe ë nhµ) TiÕng anh 6 c¶ n¨m chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng míi 2011-2012 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 English 6 class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Period 2 Lesson 1 -híng dÉn c¸ch häc(kiÓm tra ®Çu n¨m ) I. Môc tiªu chung cña m«n häc TiÕng Anh. - H×nh thµnh vµ ph¸t triÓn ë häc sinh nh÷ng kiÕn thøc , kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n vÒ TiÕng Anh vµ nh÷ng phÈm chÊt trÝ tuÖ cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tiÕp tôc häc hoÆc ®i vµo cuéc sèng lao ®éng. II. Môc tiªu cô thÓ. - Häc xong THCS , HS n¾m ®îc kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n , tèi thiÓu vµ t¬ng ®èi hÖ thèng vÒ TiÕng Anh thùc hµnh hiÖn ®¹i, phï hîp løa tuæi. - Cã kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n sö dông T.Anh nh mét c«ng cô giao tiÕp ®¬n gi¶n díi c¸c d¹ng : Nghe - nãi - ®äc – viÕt. - Cã sù hiÓu biÕt kh¸i qu¸t vÒ v¨n ho¸ cña c¸c níc sö dông TiÕng Anh. - H×nh thµnh c¸c kü n¨ng häc tiÕng vµ ph¸t triÓn t duy .Nh÷ng kü n¨ng nµy sÏ gióp ph¸t triÓn kh¶ n¨ng sö dông tiÕng mÑ ®Î vµ gãp phÇn h×nh thµnh n¨lùc ng«n ng÷ toµn diÖn h¬n cho häc sinh. III. C¸ch häc: - Häc ®i ®«i víi hµnh, ch¨m chØ häc tËp - §äc, nãi TiÕng Anh râ rµng, chÝnh x¸c, ®óng träng ©m. - ViÕt râ rµng, liÒn nÐt, ®óng chÝnh t¶. - KÕt hîp ho¹t ®éng trªn líp vµ lµm bµi tËp ë nhµ vµ giao tiÕp víi mäi ngêi trong thùc tÕ. - Cã kÜ n¨ng c¬ b¶n sö dông TiÕng Anh nh mét c«ng cô giao tiÕp ë møc ®é ®¬n gi¶n díi d¹ng: nghe- nãi- ®äc- viÕt. * Gi¸o viªn giíi thiÖu víi häc sinh mét sè c©u giao tiÐp b»ng TiÕng Anh thêng dïng trong mçi tiÕt häc. 1/ Kieán thöùc : Naém vöõng kieán thöùc cô baûn toái thieåu vaø töông ñoái heä thoáng veà tieáng Anh thöïc haønh hieän ñaïi. 2/ Kó naêng : Kó naêng nghe : Nghe söû duïng tieáng Anh trong lôùp. Nghe hieåu tieáng Anh veà caùc chuû ñieåm Kó naêng noùi: Thöïc hieän caùc yeâu caàu giao tieáp haøng ngaøy baèng tieáng Anh trong vaø ngoaøi lôùp, Dieãn ñaït caùc noäi dung giao tieáp haøng ngaøy baèng tieáng Anh . Kó naêng ñoïc : Ñoïc hieåu noäi dung chính caùc ñoaïn vaên ngaén , ñôn giaûn veà caùc chuû ñieåm ñaõ hoïc trong chöông trình. Kó naêng vieát : Vieát vaên mieâu taû hoaëc baùo caùo töôøng thuaät veà caùc hoaït ñoäng cuûa caù nhaân hoaëc trong lôùp, trong khuoâng khoå noäi dung chöông trình. Vieát ñeå phuïc vuï nhu caàu giao tieáp . 3/thaùi ñoä tình caûm : Coù thaùi ñoä vaø tình caûm ñuùng ñaén ñoái vôùi ñaát nöôùc , con ngöôøi , neàn vaên hoaù vaø ngoân ngöõ ñang hoïc. Bieát caùch töï hoïc ñeå naém vöõng vaø söû duïng tieáng nöôùc ngoaøi trong hoïc taäp vaø trong ñôøi soáng. Xaây döïng vaø phaùt trieån yù thöùc cuõng nhö naêng löïc laøm vieäc coäng ñoàng. IV. HÖÔÙNG DAÃN : 1/ Veà saùch giaùo khoa : Hoïc sinh caàn coù moät saùch giaùo khoa tieáng Anh lôùp 6 vaø saùch baøi taäp tieáng Anh ( workbook ) 2/ Phöông phaùp hoïc : Ngaøy nay khi hoïc moät ngoaïi ngöõ ngöôøi ta nghó ngay ñeán phöông phaùp giao tieáp : NGHE – NOÙI – ÑOÏC – VIEÁT Trong caùc tieát hoïc caùc em phaûi heát söùc taäp trung nghe ( nghe baêng , nghe thaày coâ, nghe baïn ) coá gaéng baét chöôùc ñuùng aâm, ñuùng ngöõ ñieäu khi laäp laïi, khi noùi caán noùi to, töï nhieân, roõ raøng kó naêng ñoïc vieát seõ ñöôïc höôùng daãn daàn. - Keep silent. Do you know? / Understand? Sit down,please stand up ,please - May I go out? - May I come in? - Thank you./ Ok. class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Period 3 Unit 1 : Greetings. Lesson 1 : A 1 – A4 I.Teaching aims. Ss will be able to greet and make aqqanted with each other . Present their name , say thanks, count numbers 0—5. II.Contents. 1, Vocabulary: hello, he, I, you, name... 2, Structure: My name is ... I am ... III.Teaching aids: Text book , picturev, cassette + tape, ... IV. Procedures. (45 minutes) I.Teaching aims. Ss will be able to greet and make aqqanted with each other . Present their name , say thanks, count numbers 0—5. II.Contents. 1, Vocabulary: hello, he, I, you, name... 2, Structure: My name is ... I am ... III.Teaching aids: Text book , picturev, cassette + tape, ... IV. Procedures. (45 minutes) T’s activities Ss’ activities Content 1. Warm up. (5’) T asks Ss to look at the picture (p10) and remark T can ask some questions -ask Ss listen to the tape 2. Presentation . T present new words T asks Ss to listen to the tape Dialogue build 3. Practice . -Gets Ss to practice in pairs T gives the model T gets Ss to practice using the situation in class . *presentation cardinal number T opens her hand and counts (one, two , three ....) _Go to the desk and point out S and count Tgets Ss to repeat T writes on the board T gets Ss to read new word Call some Ss to read numbers. -Rub out and remember to check *Dictation: T reads :three, five , two, one ,four. -Word cue drill 4. Further practice . Guessing game. 5. Home work . Look at the picture and say what people do Listen to the tape how Ss greet each other Listen and read Listen to the tape Listen and read Pair works Practice in pairs(**) (**),(**) Listen to the teacher Listen and repeat Read new words. Read. Write Example exchange. S1: Quang Ninh,please . S2:oh- three- three. Ss use the word cue drill cue cards . Write new words. Picture (p10) New words . Hi=hello Name I am ... My name is.... A, Lan: Hi I’m (lan) Nga : Hi I’m (nga) B, Ba : Hello my name is (Ba) Nam: hello my name is (Nam). S1 : Hi, I’m Hoa . S2 : Hello, my name is Huy . Models: I am .....(ten) =I’m My name is ...(ten)= my name’s Cardinal numbers. One=1 four= 4 Two= 2 five= 5 Three=3 3 , 5, 2, 1, 4,0. QN-033 HUE-054 HP-031 DN-0511 HN-04 S1: guess S2:answer Ex: S1: Oh- three- three. S2: No. S3: Oh- five –one – one S2: Yes. class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Period 4 Unit 1 Lesson 2 : A 5 –A 7 I, Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know the way asking how people are II, Language contents : 1, Grammar : simple present – question : How are you ? 2, Vocabulary : How are you ? Fine / I’m fine Thanks / thank you And you ? III, Techniques : listen and repeat , speak , write IV, Teaching aids : pictures , dialogue build V, Time : 45 minutes VI, Proceduces : Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board I. Warm up: II. Presentation. 1. Pre teach vocab: Elicit from Sts. - fine (a): khoÎ - thank (v): c¸m ¬n - miss (n): c« (trÎ) - Mr (n): «ng - Mrs (n): bµ, c« (cã gia ®×nh) * Check voacb: Slap the board. 2. Practice * Rub out and remember dialogue. - T. gives instruction. L Ba Lan Ba: , Lan. Lan: . . Ba: you? Lan: fine . ? Ba: ,thanks. *T. puts A5-P.12 on the board and crosses out some key words. * Make sure sts have to remember the rubbed out words and keep practising the dialogue. - Get sts to practise reading. - Ask sts to fill the missing words. * A6: - T. sets the scene: this is Miss Hoa, Mr Hung. They are talking each other. T. models: Mr Hung: Hi, ( Miss Hoa) Miss Hoa: Hello, ( Mr Hung) Mr Hung: How are you? Miss Hoa: I’m fine, thanks. And you? Mr Hung: Fine, thanks. * A7: - Play the tape.( 2 times) - Get sts to write the information they’re listened themselves to complete the dialogue. - Check with the w.c. 4. Pre- teach number: Elicit from Sts. six eight ten seven nine. -Check vocab: Matching. * Practice: Dictation: - T. reads some telephone numbers: 8200294; 9504423; 720909; 7683045 - Get some sts to go to the board and write them. - Check with the w.c ( T. reads). * Word square: - T. gives instruction: Ask sts to find out the numbers learnt. F I V E G T O S N T W O F N E I G H T O E O N X O E U V T E N O N R E - Listen to the T. - Play in two groups. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat then copy. - Play in two groups. - Listen to the T. - Practice reading. - Go to the board and fill the missing words. - Listen to the T. - Listen to the T. and repeat. - Listen and give the answers. then copy. - Practice. - Listen to the T. - Individual writing and pair compare. - Give the answers. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat. - Individual matching. - Listen and write. - Go to the board and rewrite. - Listen and check. - Listen to the T. Play in two groups Jumbled words. - T. gives instruction. + w t o : two + e t e h r : three + i f e v : five + r o f u : four + e n o : one + h o : oh 1-Vocabs - fine (a): khoÎ - thank (v): c¸m ¬n - miss (n): c« (trÎ) - Mr (n): «ng - Mrs (n): bµ, c« (cã gia ®×nh) Mr Hung: Hi, ( Miss Hoa) Miss Hoa: Hello, ( Mr Hung) Mr Hung: How are you? Miss Hoa: I’m fine, thanks. And you? Mr Hung: Fine, thanks. III. Homework. Learn the numbers: 0-10 by heart. Practise asking and answering about the health. Do ex : 3,4 ( P5) Prepore the new leson. B1-3 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Period: 5 Unit 1 Lesson 3 : B 1 – B4 I, Objectives : - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know saying goodbye II, Language contents : 1, Grammar : simple present 2, Vocabulary : good morning , good afternoon , good evening , good night , goodbye , bye , children . III, Techniques : Listen and repeat , speak , write . IV, Teaching aids : cassette player , pictures . V, Times : 45 minutes VI, Procedures : T’s activities Ss’ activities Content 1. Warm up. (chatting) T asks question T presents the lesson . It ‘s about greetings. 2. Presentation (15’). T asks Ss to look at the picture and points out the clock .T says It ‘s 7 oclock and I can say “ good morning” -T gets Ss to predict the meaning of the words in each picture T presents new words . T makes example .If it’s 8 oclock I can greet “ good morning ”. T gives the cues * T presents numbers from 11 to 15 -Rub out and remember to check 3.Practice. - picture drill. *T gets Ss to listen to the tape and guess what time it is . -T gives situation and time , asks Ss to practice part a, in groups , part b in pairs . 4. Consolidation. * T gives the open dialogue and asks Ss to fill in the gaps . 5. Home work Greeting and answer the question . -listen . -look at the picture and listen to the teacher . Look at the picture and guess. Listen and repeat . Listen to the teacher . - Practice individual. Listen and read. - read Practice in pairs S1: seven and eight . S2 : fifteen ...... -listen and guess . Part” a” in group . Part “ b” in pairs -work in pair to fill in the gaps . Learn new words Do part B in workbook. Hello,class How are you today? ............ ½¿¼ ¼¸ New words . Morning Afternoon Evening Night The greetings:good + ........(time) New words . Eleven :11 Twelve :12 Thirteen :13 Fourteen : 14 Fifteen : 15 7 + 8 ; 10 + 2 ;5 + 6 ; 7 +5 ;6 + 8 ; 3 +7 . Dialogue. Lan: Good afternoon , Nga Nga :........ Lan: How are you ? Nga: .........,.....? Lan : Fine , thanks . Nga: Goodbye. Lan : ...... class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c period 6 Unit 1: GREETING . C. HOW OLD ARE YOU? (C1+ C2) I.Objectives Language content:To introduce the students numbers(from 1 to 20) Language funtion: By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to count from 1 to 20. _ Educational aim: To educate the students to know how to count numbers. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: One,Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven,Twelve,Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen,Nineteen,Twenty. b. Structures: +Revision 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing to how to count from 1 to 20 life. At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to count from one to twenty II. Language contentsVocabulary : numbers III. Techniques : listen and repeat , speaking IV. Teaching aids : cassette player , flashcard V. Times : 45 minutes VI. Procedures T’s activities Ss’ activities Content 1. Warm up.(5’) -T asks to play game. 2. Presentation.(10’) T asks Ss to look at “thirteen and fourteen “ Guess number 16 and 19 -T presents new words 3. Practice (20) T asks Ss to play game T write the numbers on the board . - Asks Ss to read in English -T asks Ss to count things in class . T read the words 4. Consolidation. T gives some cards and hangs .5. home work - Get ss to learn by heart new word Play game. Remark - Look and guess -we add teen after 6 and 9-listen and read. _ play game . S1: say in Vietnam. S2 : say in English -Read in English . Listen to the tape and repeat . - Count things in class. -Play game . Ss find 5 words in twenty numbers Listen to the teacher and find words they choose -If they find 5 words they say “bingo” _play game - look and say in English Jumbled word. Wlevte à twelve Tefeifn à fifteen Lenvee à eleven Treetihn à thirteen Eefturo à fourteen New words Sixteen :16 Seventeen : 17 Eighteen : 18 Nineteen : 19 Twenty : 20 Example : S1: so 1 S2: one .........1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 , 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 6 9 2 13 16 18 17 5 14 20 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Unit 1 :(cont’d ) Period 7: Lesson5 : C 3 - C 5 I.Aims: Language content:To introduce the students the way of asking the age and introduing others Language funtion: By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to ask the age of people and introduce others _ Educational aim: To educate the students to know about themselves and their duties in life. 1.Language : a. Vocabulary: Old, Year,This b. Structures: +This is . +How are you? + I am .. 2. Skills: Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: _Knowing how to care each other. II.Teaching aids: Text book ,pictures ,poster (telephone numbers ) III.Check up : Calling 2 ss Asking him /her to introduce his /her name and his friend’s name Asking them answer the questions “ How old are you ? Let them give the telephone numbers IV.Warm up : Missing words : EI—T—--N ---I ---T--- ---N S –V ---N T -- --E --N Y ---A----O ----D ---W--- --- T --- N—N –TE---- ---- V.New lesson : I.Presentation : Presentation of c4 : T gets ss to remind how to use asking about the age ,the health and say difference between :How old are you? and :How are you? T gets ss to count 0-20 Bingo T gives the instruction : each of you writes down three numbers .If one who has three numbers I read is the winner . Dictation and picture : Cue drill : T reads the telephone numbers T asks ss to listen and write down the telephone numbers 0913473384 048210476 0511869206 0510897415 *Presentation of c6: t gets ss to complete the open dial T calls some ss to fill in the blanks T checks their mistakes II.Practice: Ask and answer about age Feedback III.Production : Survey : T gives the instruction Name Telephone numbers 1 Hoa 033612300 2. Lan 5111896542 3.Mai 0510856987 T calls some ss to check IVHome work Review numbers 0-20 Ask and answer the telephone numbers Ask and answer about the name, age , health Be ready for Unit 2( A1-4: Words) Ss count Ss write down three numbers Ss listen and write down the notebook 0913473384 048210476 0511869206 0510897415 Ss practice in pairs Pairwork Ss write their friend’s phone numbers on the survey Ss practise in groups S1 What’s your telephone numbers S2 0511894559 S1 What’s your name ? S2 Hao Ss go to the board and write their survey Example exchange : S1 How old are you ? S2 I’m ten . Ex : S1 What’s your numbers ? S2 oh five one one six nine six nine nine Open dial : Children .. afternoon ,Mr Tan Mr Tan : children , you ? Children ..- - . You Mr Tan : ..Long Mr Tan : oh ,Hello ,Long .How .? Long : eleven .. . Ex : S1 :What’s your name ? S2 :Hoa S1;What’s your telephone numbers ? S2 : [0511869206 ] Home work : Review numbers 0-20 Ask and answer the telephone numbers Ask and answer about the name, age , health Be ready for Unit 2( A1-4: Words) liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 class period date total ab 6a 6b 6c Period 8 Unit 2 : AT SCHOOL Lesson 1 : A1-a3 I. Objectives: - Language content : To present some action verbs. To enable Ss to master commands. - Language function : To help Ss give and obey orders. - Educational aim : To make Ss aware of how to give orders . II: Preparation: - Cassette and tape, text book. III. Teaching procedures: 1. Organization: 2. Oral test: - S1: Do the Ex. - S2 & S3: Say the numbers given by T. 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents Warm up Asks Ss to obey orders ( in actions such as standing up , sitting down , opening the book and closing the book ) _ Asks Ss to guess the aim of the lesson . _Tells what is going on in the lesson: - Listen to the T - Guess the aim of the lesson . giving and obeying orders Presentations a, A1: Listen and repeat: - Get Ss to guess what each picture means. - Pre teach: - (to) come in - (to) sit down > < (to) stand up - (to) open (your book) > < (to) close (your book) - Checking: Slap the board: ®i vµo §øng lªn Më s¸ch ra ®ãng s¸ch l¹i ngåi xuèng - Play the tape for Ss to listen through. - Ask Ss to repeat after. - Get Ss to repeat in chorus. - Call some Ss to read aloud. - Get Ss to read aloud again b, A2: Match and write: - T explains the tasks. - Ss look at the pictures and do matching in groups. - Call some Ss to write on the BB. - T gives some remarks. 4. Consolidation: c, Play Simon says: - T makes clera the way to play. - T does first as model. - Get Ss to play on their own. 5. Homework: - Review the imperatives. - Do Ex in workbook. - Guess what each picture means. - Listen to the tape - Repeat after - Read aloud - Listen to the T - Look at the pictures and do matching in groups - Pre teach: - (to) come in - (to) sit down > < (to) stand up - (to) open (your book) > < (to) close (your book) Slap the board: ®i vµo §øng lªn Më s¸ch ra ®ãng s¸ch l¹i ngåi xuèng Answers a, Open your book b, Sit down c, Come in. d, Close your book. e, Stand up. . häc k× ii liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 trän bé chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng míi nÕu cÇn liªn hÖ ph¹m v¨n tÝn ®t 01693172328 hoÆc ®t 0943926597 víi môc ®Ých phôc vô gi¸o viªn cã chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng míi liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 TiÕng anh 6 c¶ n¨m chuÈn kiÕn thøc kü n¨ng míi 2011-2012 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68 liªn hÖ ®t 0168.921.86.68
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