10 đề ôn thi học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2020-2021

10 đề ôn thi học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2020-2021

Part 1. Choose the word with the different stress syllable.

1. A. waterfall B. historic C. fantastic D. pagoda

Part 2. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.

2. A. teen B. street C. coffee D. see

3. we go to buy stamps or send letters?

A. What B. Where C. How D. Which

4. You must remember to bring a . It’s very useful when you go into a cave because it’s very dark there.

A. scissors B. compass C. clock D. torch

5. If we had a , . we wouldn’t get lost

A. backpack B. torch C. painkiller D. compass

6. You travel alone to the mountain. Always go in group.

A. must B. can’t C. can D. mustn’t

7. _____the third turning _____the left.

A. Take – in B. Get – in C. Take– on D. Get – on

8. My backpack is more_____ than your backpack.

A. better B. cheaper C. modern D. smaller

9. The boat trip to Hai Phong, the northern tip of Viet Nam, was .experience of my life.

A. good B. the best C. more D. best

Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.


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ĐỀ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ 1 LỚP 6 NĂM 2020 - 2021
Đề thi học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 chương trình mới có đáp án – ĐỀ 1 
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. picture 
B. question 
C. furniture 
D. celebration
2. A. bookcase 
B. waterfall 
C. behave
D. game
3. A. think 
B. without
C. theatre 
D. tooth
4. A. food 
B. took 
C. good
D. cook
5. A. forest 
B. cats 
C. visit 
D. speak
II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
1. “ do you visit your hometown?” – “Once every two or three months”.
A. How long	B. How far	C. How often	D. How much
2. The new instructor at the gym is excellent. He is very with us.
A. confident	B. patient	C. positive	D. careful
3. My sister speak 3 languages fluently.
A. can	B. should	C. must	D. would
4. I don’t feel good. I .home from school tomorrow.
A. am staying	B. stay	C. stayed	D. have stayed
5. .the first turning on the left. The bank is on your right.
A. Give	B. Take	C. Have	D. Do
6. My laptop is ..than his.
A. modern B. morderner	C. more modern	D. most modern
7. We often ..the furniture before Tet.
A. hang	B. watch	C. plant	D. clean
8. You’ve got a toothache. You shouldn’t .
A. go out with friends	B. play cards all night	C. eat a lot of sweets	D. behave well
9. My mother is in my family.
A. the shorter	B. the shorter than	C. the shortest	D. the short
10. Before Tet, people often give to show their love and respect.
A. fireworks	B. plants	C. food	D. presents
III. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Hi. I’m Mary. I have lots of friends and we learn many subjects at school. In the morning, I have lessons from seven thirty to eleven. At break time, I often play badminton with my friends or chat. In the afternoon, I often read books in the library. After dinner, I watch TV and do my homework. I usually go to bed at 10. I always get up early in the morning so I never go to school late.
1. What time do Mary’s lessons finish? > ...
2. What does she often do in the afternoon?-> .
3. Does she usually go to bed at 10.30? -> .
4. Why does she never go to school late? > ..
5. What time do Mary’s lessons start? > ..
IV. Rewrite these sentences so that it has the same meaning as the root ones.
1. My mother is younger than my father. -> My father ...............................................................
2. Does your neighbourhood have a library? -> Is there .?
3. Minh’s house is near the supermarket. -> Minh’s house isn’t 
4. Unit one is more difficult than Unit two. -> Unit two is . 
5. My mother is shorter than my father.-> My father ..............................................................
Đề thi học kì 1 tiếng anh lớp 6 có đáp án - ĐỀ 2
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
II. Find which word does not belong to each group.
silt house
living room
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1. There are two lights ____ the ceiling.
A. in	B. at	C. on	D. between
2. There___ four chairs and a table _____the middle of the room.
A. are – in	B. are – at	C. is – on	D. is – in
3. They are moving ____a new apartment ____the city centre soon.
A. at – at	B. from – in	C. to – in	D. to – from
4. There are some dirty dishes_____ the floor.
A. on	B. with	C. in	D. for
5. My bedroom is _____the bathroom.
A. under	B. in	C. on	D. next to
6. There aren’t any pillows _____the bed.
A. in	B. on	C. behind	D. in front of
7. Can you ______ me the book, please?
A. move	B. pass	C. have	D. turn
8. Nga is _____ the phone, chatting ______friends.
A. on – to	B. on – on	C. to – with	D. to – to
9. My best friend is kind and _________ . He often makes me laugh.
A. funny	B. nice	C. shy	D. boring
10. The film is very _____ and we can’t see all of it.
A. wonderful	B. easy	C. exciting	D. boring
11. The summer camp is for students _________ between 10 and 15.
A. age	B. aged	C. aging	D. ages
12. Mary has __________ hair and big ___________eyes.
A. blonde, small	B. a black, blue	C. blonde, blue	D. black, long
13. Next summer I am working as a ___________ teacher in a village near Hoa Binh city.
A. volunteer	B. nice	C. good	D. favourite
14. She is always __________ at school and helps other students with their homework.
A. hard	B. hardly	C. hard-working	D. work hard
15. Our class is going to _______ a pinic at the zoo on Saturday. Would you like to come with us?
A. have	B. take	C. pass	D. go
16. It’s ______ to go home. It’s so late.
A. now	B. sure	C. time	D. like
17. Please turn ______ the lights. The room is so dark.
A. in	B. on	C. off	D. at
18. At break time, I go to the library and ______ books.
A. go	B. read	C. play	D. listen
19. Listen! Someone _________ at the door.
A. knock	B. knocks	C. is knocking	D. are knocking
20. Nam ___________ football now. He’s tired.
A. doesn’t play	B. plays	C. is playing	D. isn’t playing
21. We are excited ______ the first day of school.
A. at	B. with	C. about	D. in
22. My parents often help me __________ my homework.
A. at	B. with	C. about	D. in
23. I am having a math lesson but I forgot my _________. I have some difficulty.
A. calculator	B. bike	C. pencil case	D. pencil sharpener
24. In the afternoon, students ______ many interesting clubs.
A. join	B. do	C. play	D. read
25. School at 4.30 p.m every day.
A. finish	B. finishes	C. go	D. have
IV. Complete the sentences with the Present simple or the Present continuous form of the verbs.
1. They often (visit)________their parents in the holidays.
2. We (speak) French at the moment.
3. I (watch) _______TV about 3 hours a day.
4. My family usually (go)______to the movies on Sunday.
5. Look at the girl! She (ride)_________ a horse.
6. We (play)_________tennis now.
7. Minh sometimes (practice)_________the guitar in his room.
8.________you (like)________ chocolate ice cream?
9. I really (like)________ cooking.
10. Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take) ______________a shower.
V. Fill in each blank with a suitable verbs.
1. She _______an oval face	2. ______ Mai’s hair long or short? - It ________short.
3. He ________ tall and thin.	4. Toan ________ an athlete. He ____ very strong.
5. Ngan ______short black hair.	6. What color _______those bikes?
7. What color __________Nam’s eyes?	8. What _______those?
VI. Complete the passage with a suitable preposition.
We have English lessons (1)________Room 12. There are 24 tables for students and one desk for the teacher. (2)_________the walls, there are a lots of posters of England. There’s a cupboard at the front of the room and (3)________ the cupboard, there is a TV and DVD player. Sometimes we watch films. There are some bookshelves (4)______the classroom. (5)_______the shelves, there are a lot of English books. Our books are (6)________the teacher’s desk. He wants to look at our homework. Our school bags are (7)________the floor, and there is some food (8)________ the school bags. It’s now 5.30 pm. We are (9)_______home, but our teacher is (10)__________ school. He often stays late to prepare for tomorrow’s lessons.
VII. Reorder the words and write the meaning sentences.
1. city / beautiful / a / Ho Chi Minh /..................................................................................................
2.green fields / there /...........................................................................................................
3. dog / it’s / friendly /..............................................................................................................
4.student / Minh / new / a /..............................................................................................................
5. television / big / a / there’s..............................................................................................................
6. new / four / there / cars /..............................................................................................................
7. are / two / pizza / there /..............................................................................................................
9.ten / are / desks / small /..............................................................................................................
Đề thi học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 6 mới có đáp án - ĐỀ 3
I. Find the word with the different bolded part (1,25 mark).
1. A. cold
B. volleyball
C. telephone
D. open
2. A. meat
B. reading
C. bread
D. seat
3. A. writes
B. makes
C. takes
D. drives
4. A. pencil
B. help
C. lesson
D. new
5. A. celebrate
B. come
C. cook
D. cousin
II. Choose the correct option A,B,C, or D to complete the sentences (5,0 marks).
6. My grandfather .fishing in his free time.
A. does	B. do	C. goes	D. go
7. They are aerobics now.
A. play	B. doing	C. playing	D. do
8. He usually in the morning.
A. is jogging	B. jog	C. jogs	D. jogging
9. Where are you, Hoa? I’m downstairs. I .to music.
A. to listen	B. listen	C. listens	D. am listening
10. This Saturday we . to the Art Museum.
A. go	B. is going	C. are going	D. went
11. There are 25 boys in my class. Son is .
A. the youngest	B. younger	C. young	D. the most young
12. Lan is .. ....at English than my sister.
A. good	B. better	C. best	D. the best
13. Which shirt is .., this one or that one?
A. cheap	B. the cheapest	C. cheaper	D. more cheap
14. Is there a theater .your neighbourhood?
A. in	B. on	C. at	D. with
15. . .the second turning ..the right.
A. Take – in	B. Take – on	C. Get-in	D. Get- on
16. Can you .. us the . to the post office?
A. show – road	B. show – street	C. tell – road	D. tell -way
17. A .. .....is a place where we go to buy stamps or send letters.
A. library	B. post office	C. cinema	D. school
18. London, the capital city of England, is a ..city with many old buildings, and beautiful parks.
A. history	B. historic	C. largest	D. larger
19. People in Laos . ..water over one another.
A. give	B. throw	C. take	D. bring
20. On New Year’s day, children in Korea make a to their parents or elders and wish them a long and healthy .
A. bow – live	B. friend – lives	C. bow – lives	D. bow - life
21. What are the people there . .? They are very friendly.
A. love	B. liking	C. like	D. look
22. We ....keep quiet in the library so that everyone can enjoy reading books.
A. should	B. shouldn’t	C. can	D. can’t
23. Doraemon . .chubby. He . ..a round face.
A. is – have	B. is – has	C. has – is	D. have - is
24. Snow White .. long black hair and her lips .red as roses.
A. has – are	B. has – is	C. is – has	D. are - has
25. The weather is nice, so I enjoy doing . activities.
A. outdoors	B. inside	C. outdoor	D. boring
III. Choose the correct answer for each of the gaps to complete the text (1,25 mark).
Tra Co Beach in Quang Ninh province is 9 kilometres from Mong Cai. It has the ( 26) and the most romantic beach in Viet Nam. Tourists can enjoy the (27) . of white sand beaches and green sea water all year (28) . Visitors can (29) . enjoy the sunset or sunrise in Con Mang islet. You can visit Tra Co Communal House, Linh Khanh Pagoda, and Tra Co church. If tourists want some fresh (30) ., they can find it from fishing boats. They can take part in “Tra Co Festival” from May 30 to June 6.
26. A. long
B. longer
C. longest
D. much longer
27. A. beauty
B. beautiful
C. of beauty
D. pretty
28. A. over
B. long
C. round
D. longer
29. A. be
B. be able
C. then
D. also
30. A. seafood
B. menu
C. air
D. water
IV. Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences( 1,25 mark). 
31. Nam live in a house in the country.
32. Are there a flower garden behind the house ?
33. There is an temple old near our house.
34. After dinner, she do her homework.
35. The Blue Hotel is cheaper as the Green Hotel.
V. Rewrite the sentences so that its meaning stays the same ( 1,25 mark).
36. Nobody is taller than my sister in her class.
→ My sister 
37. The garden is behind Lan’ house.
→ Lan’ house 
38. The bank is not far from the post office.
→ The bank 
39. There are many flowers in our garden.
→ Our garden. ..
40. Ha Noi is large, Bangkok is larger and Tokyo is the largest.
→ Tokyo is . the three cities.
Đề tiếng Anh lớp 6 học kì 1 có đáp án - ĐỀ 4 
Part 1. Choose the word with the different stress syllable. 
1. A. waterfall 	B. historic 	C. fantastic 	D. pagoda
Part 2. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.
2. A. teen B. street C. coffee D. see
3. we go to buy stamps or send letters?
A. What 	B. Where	C. How	D. Which
4. You must remember to bring a .. It’s very useful when you go into a cave because it’s very dark there.
A. scissors	B. compass	C. clock	D. torch
5. If we had a , .. we wouldn’t get lost
A. backpack	B. torch 	C. painkiller	D. compass
6. You travel alone to the mountain. Always go in group.
A. must	B. can’t	C. can	D. mustn’t
7. _____the third turning _____the left.
A. Take – in	B. Get – in 	C. Take– on	D. Get – on
8. My backpack is more_____ than your backpack.
A. better	B. cheaper	C. modern	D. smaller
9. The boat trip to Hai Phong, the northern tip of Viet Nam, was ..experience of my life.
A. good	B. the best	C. more 	D. best
Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
10. There is a supermarket at my neighbourhood. A B C D
C. READ (2,5ms)
Part 1: Complete the passage with the words given in the box
From often however Peaceful water fresh flower for
My village is about 10 kilometers (1) .the city. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place where people grow flowers and vegetables only. It is very famous (2) . its pretty roses an d beautiful landscapes. The air is quite fresh, (3) the smell of the roses makes people feel cool. In spring, my village looks like a carpet with plenty of colors. Tourists come to visit it so (4) . Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn’t take the villagers much time to (5) the roses. And even at night, people can walk along the path and enjoy the (6) smell of the flowers.
Part 2: Read the passage then answer the questions.
Hoi An is one of the oldest towns in Viet Nam. It is on the lower section of the Thu Bon river. It is a very beautiful town with a lot of colorful lanterns which are hung around the town. Hoi An is famous for one- week tailoring. Customers order clothes in the morning and get them in the evening. The price is not really expensive. If you want to find the place of the old time, Hoi An is a good choice.
7. Which town is the oldest towns in Viet Nam? . ... .
8. Where are colorful lanterns hung? .. .. .
9. What is Hoi An famous for? .. .. .
10. Do you want to visit Hoi An? .. .. .
E. WRITE (2,5ms)
Part 1: Do as directed
1. My home town doesn’t have any buildings and theatres.There .
2. My bag is better than her bag. (Rewrite using bad)Her bag...............................................................
3. His parents enjoy reading newspaper.His parents are .
4. It’s necessary to do the homework. You ..
5. Lan is big, Lien is bigger and Hoa is the biggest. Hoa .the three girls.
6. Please tell me some things about your school. (Rewrite using Can) .. ..?
Part 2: Using the words given to complete each sentence .
7. Which/ tall/ building/ house ?.................................................................................................................?
8. There/ lot/ modern houses/ center/ city....................................................................................................
9. It/ two kilometers/ the East/ Dak Doa town..........................................................................................
10. Living/ city/ interesting than/ living/ country.........................................................................................
ĐỀ 5
Choose A, B, C, D for each gap in the following sentences.
1. Our school ........................................... by green fields.
A. is surrounded 	B. is surround 	C. surrounds	D. surround
2. My friends want to study in a/an .............. school because they want to learn English with
English speaking teachers there.
national 	B. international 	C, creative D. boarding
3. They are healthy. They do ........................... everyday.
A. football 	B. physics	C. judo 	D. breakfast
4....................... Lan often ....................... homework after school?
A. Does/do 	B. Is/do	C. Does/doing	D. Is/does
5. Hanh is usually early__________ school because she gets up early.
A. on 	B. for 	C. at	D. to
6. . Would you like to come to my house for lunch?
A. Yes, sure 	B. No, I don’t.	C. I’m sorry. I can’t	D. Yes, I would.
7. . Can you ______ the biscuits for me, please?
A. play 	B. pass	C. do 	D. have
8. Lan has ________________ hair.
A. long black curly 	B. long curly black	C. black long curly	D. long black curly
9. Lan often ------------ her bike to visit his hometown.
A. Drives	B. flies	C. rides	D. goes
10. What would you like to drink now? ----------------------------------------------
A. No, thank you 	B. Yes, please	C. I like to do nothing 	D. apple juice, please
Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
1.It is not good to stay up so late to listen to music.
è You should------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.How many times a week do you go to your painting club.
è How often -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.It is essential that you do your homework before going to school.
è You must ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.Nobody is older than my grandfather in my family.
è My grandfather is -----------------------------------------------------------------
5.Kiet is the best at English in his class.
è Nobody in Kiet’s class------------------------------------------------------------
.Read the following passage and choose the correct answer
Do you sometimes have problems with your neighbor such as noise or littering? Well, the
people of Pilton Somerset, England have such problems every summer. For three or four days every year, the village is full of people of all ages who come here for the annual Glastonbury pop music festival. They usually stay in tents, caravans and motorhomes. They leave drink cans and papers all over the street. The music plays until the early hours of the morning, and you can hear people talking and singing all night. The quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live an and some villagers are even thinking of moving to another village. A villager said that last year; “I don’t want stop the Glastonbury Festival. I just want the fans to enjoy the festival without disturbing normal village life”.
1. What happen in Pilton, Somerset every summer?
A. The neighbors are noisy. 	B. There are many villagers
C. There is a pop music festival	D. the villagers litter the street.
2. Visitors litter the street with---------------------------.
A. tents 	B. caravans	C. motorhomes	D. cans and papers
3. How long is the pop music festival every year?
A. one night 	B. The whole summer	C. Three or four days	D. The whole year
4. What is Pilton like during the rest of the year?
A. A noisy place 	B. A quiet village	C. A nightmare	D. A music concert
5. The villagers just want to --------------------------
A. have a normal life as usual 	B. stop the fans enjoy the festival
C. move far away 	D. put an end to the festival
Change into negative and question form
1.Duy lives near here. . .?
2. Mai and Lan walk to school. . ?
3. She has long hair. . .?
4. My mother is very king and helpful. . ?
5. I am doing my homework now. . ?
Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. come
B. month
C. mother
D. open
2. A. hope
B. homework
C. one
D. post
3. A. brother
B. judo
C. going
D. rode
4. A. cities
B. watches
C. dishes
D. houses
5. A. grandparents
B. brothers
C. uncles
D. fathers
6. A. books
B. walls
C. rooms
D. pillows
7. A. finger
B. leg
C. neck
D. elbow
8. A. writes
B. makes
C. takes
D. drives
9. A. request
B. project
C. neck
D. exciting
10. A. Thursday
B. thanks
C. these
D. birthday
Find which word does not belong to each group.
1. A. toilet
B. library
C. kitchen
D. bedrooms
2. A. sofa
B. dishwasher
C. cupboard
D. sink
3. A. apartment
B. villa
C. silt house
D. hotel
4. A. attic
B. apartment
C. kitchen
D. living room
5. A. television
B. cook
C. fridge
D. cooker
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
There are two lights 	the ceiling.
in	B. at	C. on	D. between
There 	four chairs and a table __________the middle of the room.
are – in	B. are – at	C. is – on	D. is – in
They are moving 	a new apartment 	the city centre soon.
at – at	B. from – in	C. to – in	D. to – from
There are some dirty dishes 	the floor.
on	B. with	C. in	D. for
My bedroom is 	the bathroom.
under	B. in	C. on	D. next to
There aren’t any pillows 	the bed.
from	B. on	C. behind	D. in front of
Can you 	me the book, please?
move	B. pass	C. have	D. turn
Nga is 	the phone, chatting 	friends.
A.on – to	B. on – on	C. to – with	D. to – to
9. My best friend is kind and 	. He often makes me laugh.
A. funny	B. nice	C. shy	D. boring
10. The film is very 	and we can‟t see all of it.
A. Wonderful	B. easy	C. exciting	D. boring
11. The summer camp is for students 	between 10 and 15.
A. age	B. aged	C. aging	D. ages
12. Mary has 	hair and big 	eyes.
A. blonde, small	B. a black, blue	C. blonde, blue	D. black, long
13. Next summer, I am working as a 	teacher in a village near Hoa Binh city.
A. volunteer	B. nice	C. good	D. favourite
14. She is always 	at school and helps other students with their homework.
A. hard	B. hardly	C. hard-working	D. work hard
15. Our class is going to 	a picnic at the zoo on Saturday. Would you like to come with us?
A. Have	B. take	C. pass	D. go
16. At break time, I go to the library and 	books.
A. go	B. read	C. play	D. listen
17. Listen! Someone 	at the door.
A. knock	B. knocks	C. is knocking	D. are knocking
18. Nam 	football now. He‟s tired.
A. Doesn’t play	B. plays	C. is playing	D. isn‟t playing
19. In the afternoon, students 	many interesting clubs.
A. join	B. do	C. play	D. read
20. School 	at 4.30 p.m every day.
A. finish	B. finishes	C. go	D. have
Complete the sentences with the Present simple or the Present continuous form of the verbs.
They often (visit) 	their parents in the holidays.
We (speak) 	French at the moment.
I (watch) 	TV about 3 hours a day.
My family usually (go) 	to the movies on Sunday.
Look at the girl! She (ride) 	a horse.
Minh sometimes (practise) 	the guitar in his room.
 	you (like) 	chocolate ice cream?
I really (like) 	cooking.
09. Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take) 	a shower.
Fill in each blank with a suitable verb.
She 	an oval face.
- 	Mai‟s hair long or short?
- It 	________ short.
He 	tall and thin.
Toan an athlete. He very strong.
Ngan 	short black hair.
What color 	those bikes?
What color 	Nam‟s eyes?
What 	those?
Read the following passage and answer the questions. 
Hi. I’m Mary. I have lots of friends and we learn many subjects at school. In the morning, I have lessons from seven thirty to eleven. At break time, I often play badminton with my friends or chat. In the afternoon, I often read books in the library. After dinner, I watch TV and do my homework. I usually go to bed at 10. I always get up early in the morning so I never go to school late.
1. What time do Mary’s lessons finish? -> ...
2. What does she often do in the afternoon? -> .
3. Does she usually go to bed at 10.30? -> .
4. Why does she never go to school late? -> ..
5. What time do Mary’s lessons start? -> ...
Read and complete the passage. Use the words in the box. There is one example.
Writing clever are going homework makes has
I’m Vy. My close friend is Lan. She is very pretty. She has short black hair and big brown eyes. She is_____(1)___ and hard-working but she is very funny. She ___(2)____ jokes and we all laugh. She loves reading and ___(3)____ short poems. I like being with her. We often do our ___(4)____ together and she helps me a lot. This Saturday we’re going to the Tay Ninh museum. Then we ____(5)_____to the park. It’s going to be fun.
Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
I don’t have a bookshelf in my room.
The note book is on the book.
The book ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The car is in front of the bus.
The bus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
My favorite room in the house is the bedroom. 
I like--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quang is lazier than Ha.
A city is noisier than a village. 
A village----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please tell me something about your neighborhood.
In summer, Da Nang is hot but Vinh hotter.
In summer, Vinh------------------------------------------------------------------
It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.
We mustn’t -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ha Noi is large, Bangkok is larger and Tokyo is the largest.
Tokyo is -------------------------------------the three cities.
Put questions for underlined words
1. They feel tired because they are working very hard-> 
2. Mr Hung has a big farm near Hanoi. -> 
3. Maria and Tom are French. -> 
4. Mr Nam and Mrs Mai are working in a factory in Ha Noi-> 
5. We are going to spend our vacation in Da Lat for a week -> 
6. Chi usually goes to school in the morning.-> 
7. They never go fishing in the winter-> 
8. Nga likes to travel by train-> 
9. The children are swimming in the river.-> 
10. That boy sometimes has lunch at 13.00 o’clock-> 
Give the correct form of the verbs
1. Every day she (get) ..up at 5.00, but today she (get ) . up at 6.00
2. The children (walk) to school now
3. Lan never ( go ) camping in winter
4. ..David ( travel ) .. to Viet nam by plane now?
5. He ( not want ) .. ( travel ) to school on foot
6. Where .. they ( spend ) .their holiday this summer?
7. What about ( watch ) .. a film for fun?
8. Where .she usually ( play ) sports?
9. .. Their parents ( work ) . in the same school?
ĐỀ 7
I. Chọn từ được gạch chân có cách phát âm khác các từ còn lại
A. photo
B. brother
C. going
D. home
A. beds
B. clocks
C. aunts
D. books
A. island
B. plaster
C. coast
D. longest
A. like
B. kind
C. idea
D. confident
II. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất bằng cách khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D
1. Look! The girls ........................ in the school yard.
A. are skipping 	B. skips 	C. skipping D. to skip
2. He....................judo with his friends everyday.
A. plays	 B. does	C. has	 D. studies
3. ..........there................water in the fridge?
A. Are/ some	 B. Are / any	C. Is/some	 D.Is/any 
4. Ha Long Bay is the most natural wonder in Viet Nam. 
A. big	 B. small	C. largest	 D. beautiful
5. There four chairs and table .............. the middle of the room.
 A. are – in 	 B. are - at	 C. is - on	 D. is – in
 6. We live in a town house but our grandparents live in a house.
 A. villa B. country C. apartment D. city
7. Hoi An is a city with a lot of old houses, buildings, shops.
A. modern	 B. new	C. historic	 D. polluted
8. Mount Fansipan is mountain in Viet Nam.
A. high	 B. higher	C. highest	 D. the highest
III. Viết dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
Look! Lan ( wear ) a new dress.
There ( be ) .. a sofa in the living room. 	
You shouldn’t ( break ) things at Tet.
I ( help ) my parents cook banh chung next year.
IV. Đọc đoạn văn và thực hiện các bài tập sau:
 Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows through the city. The city part on the east bank is newer and more spacious. The city part on the west bank is more crowded. There are five bridges across the river. The Han River Bridge is the newest one now.The cost of living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. 
 Da Nang has many beaches. Among them, Non Nuoc Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. But walking in the streets on a summer afternoon is not a good idea in Da Nang. There are not many trees so there are not many shadows. It is often very hot at noon.
A. True ( T) or False ( F) :
The city part on the west bank is newer and more spacious.
There are five bridges across the river.
 B. Answer the questions :
1. What is the population of Da Nang?
2. Which bridge is the newest?
3. Is Non Nuoc Beach one of the most beautiful beaches in the world?
V. Sắp xếp từ xáo trộn để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh
there / 

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  • doc10_de_on_thi_hoc_ki_i_mon_tieng_anh_lop_6_nam_hoc_2020_2021.doc