Đề luyện tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề 26

Đề luyện tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Đề 26

I-Choose the words that has the underline pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.

1.A. though B. enough C. cough D. rough

2.A. chair B. cheap C. chorus D. child

3.A. missed B. closed C. called D. planned

4.A. fat B. any C. gas D. hat

5.A physics B. basic C. sailor D. subject

II- Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.

6.A. scissors B. object C. wardrobe D. transmit

7.A. comfortable B. commercial C. generous D. demonstrate

8.A. experiment B. assistant C. sociable D. equipment

9.A. advice B. beauty C. picture D. postcard

10.A. theater B. career C. cinema D. gallery


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I-Choose the words that has the underline pronounced differently from the others. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
1.A. though	B. enough	C. cough	D. rough
2.A. chair	B. cheap	C. chorus	D. child
3.A. missed	B. closed	C. called	D. planned
4.A. fat	B. any	C. gas	D. hat
5.A physics	B. basic	C. sailor	D. subject
II- Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
6.A. scissors	B. object	C. wardrobe	D. transmit
7.A. comfortable	B. commercial	C. generous	D. demonstrate
8.A. experiment	B. assistant	C. sociable	D. equipment
9.A. advice	B. beauty	C. picture	D. postcard
10.A. theater	B. career	C. cinema	D. gallery
III- Choose from the four options given (marked A,B,C or D) one best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
11. David’s school .. is very bad this term.
A. report	B. period	C. day	D. semester
12. People go to a .. to look at the famous works of art.
A. stadium	B. gallery	C. theater	D. fair
13. I’d like to go . very much.
A. camp	B. to camp	C. a camp	D. camping
14. Hoa is reading short stories . Jack London.
A. of	B. from	C. by	D. with
15. John .. Susan to go out with him but her parents didn’t let her out.
A. insisted	B. suggested	C. invited	D. helped
16. This book is . that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time.
A. so interesting	B. so interested	C. such interesting	D. too interesting
17. “Let it be” is a famous song . . It is one of the best works by this band.
A. singing by the Beatles	B. was sung by the Beatles
C. sung by the Beatles	D. sang by the Beatles
18. He the train ticket at home.
A. took	B. put	C. brought	D. left
19. She was .. of watching television.
A. interested	B. tired	C. tiring	D. pleased
20. My mother .. me that I should wake up earlier.
A. told to	B. said	C. was told	D. said to
21. Our teacher asked us . in class.
A. not to talk	B. to not talk	C. no talk	D. without talking
22. Peter broke his leg when he fell .. his bike.
A. in	B. on	C. off	D. of
23. You should your lesson before the examination.
A. read	B. look	C. revise	D. study
24. Hung is do the crossword puzzles.
A. intelligent enough to	B. intelligent enough 
C. enough intelligent	D. enough intelligent to
25. Her math result is .. than her English result.
A. bad	B. bader	C. worse	D. well
26. His father is very proud him.
A. of	B. with	C. on	D. about
27. Yesterday I came . your brother when I was going to school.
A. of	B. to	C. about	D. across
28. Students should work . to make their parents happy.
A. hard	B. hardly	C. in hard way	D. more hardly
29. Keep all dangerous things out of children’s . .
A. hands	B. place	C. reach	D. head
30. When I was young, I used . on a farm.	
A. to live	B. live	C. to living	D. living
IV- Supply the correct form of the word in Capital letters for each gap in the following sentences. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
31. This coffee is too ................... to drink. 	heat
32. I can’t tell the between the twins. 	differ
33. A fairy appeared and changed Miss Tam’s rags into beautiful clothes. 	magic
34. He drove and he had an accident. 	care
35. I feel so ................. that I’m going to bed. 	sleep
36. Why was his lecture so .................... ?. 	bore
37. How many ................. are there in a year in Vietnam ?. 	 celebrate
38. ................. have warned the local people of the disaster. 	science
V- Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each gap. Identify your answer by writing the corresponding word or phrase on your answer paper.
These days most people, especially young girls, like(39) .slim. Our grandparent’s tastes were different(40) ours but nowadays(41) seems to enjoy(42) .fat people. The only thing(43) is wrong with this is what a(44) .said to me the other days: “I don’t mind (45) ..these foods if they will help me(46) weight but why do they taste so awful ?” The reason(47) .this is that the manufacturers have to include a lot of vitamins to satisfy the law, so the only sensible advice I could give my friend was “Eat normal food, but (48) less.”
39.A. to looked	B. to look	C. they look	D. look
40.A. from	B. of	C. as	D. with
41.A. anymore	B. none	C. everyone	D. no one
42.A. to look at	B. looking	C. looking at	D. to look
43.A. it	B. that	C. what	D. who
44.A.friend of mine 	B. my friend	C. friend of me	D. friend of my
45.A. to eat	B. eat	C. eating	D. the eating
46.A. gain	B. put on	C. loose	D. lose
47.A. of	B. why	C. for	D. that
48.A. eat	B. to eat	C. eating	D. be eating
VI- Read the following passage, then answer questions 50-53. After each question there are four options marked A,B,C or D. Choose the correct answer by writing down its corresponding letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet.
It is five o’clock in the evening when Rene Wagner come home from work. She walks into the living room and looks at her three children. They are 14,13 and 9 years old. They are watching TV. The living room is a mess. There are dirty socks on the floor and cookies on the sofa. Games and toys are everywhere. Rene is angry, “This place is a mess” she tells her children, “I can’t work all day and then do housework all evening. I’m not going to do housework!”	Rene doesn’t do housework. She doesn’t clean or wash dishes. She doesn’t wash clothes, either. Every evening she sits on the sofa and watches TV.
	After two weeks, every plate, fork and glass in the house is dirty. All the children’s clothes are dirty. Every garbage basket is full. The house is a mess.
	Then, one day Rene comes home from work and gets a big surprise. The kitchen is clean. The children clean the kitchen !
	The next day, the living room is clean, and the children are washing their clothes. Rene tells the children “OK, I’ll do the housework again. But you have to help me.”
	Now Rene and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit on the sofa and watch TV!
49. When Rene came home from work, she found the house . .
A. clean and dirty	B. dirty and tidy	C. dirty and untidy	D. clean but untidy
50. Rene told her children .. .
A. to do the housework	B. she couldn’t do housework
C. not to do housework	D. she wouldn’t do housework
51. Two weeks later, the house was .
A. very clean	B. a mess	C. tidy	D. rather dirty
52. Some days later, the house was clean again because . .
A. she couldn’t let it that way	B. her children did housework.
C. her children didn’t do housework.	D. she did housework again.
53. Now Rene does housework again because . .
A. her children help her.	B. they can watch TV together.
C. her children wash their clothes.	D. her children don’t do it. 
VII- Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
54. The movie was very bad. I couldn’t see it.
 The movie was not ..
55. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, he said to us.
 He told 
56. The garage is going to repair our car next week. 
 We are going ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
57. In spite of his intelligence, he doesn’t do well at school.
 Although .
58. You must see the headmaster.
 You’ve ..
59.Remember to check your flight numbers. 
Don’t ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
60.It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears.
The news .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
VIII- Use the suggested words and phrases to make a full sentence.
61. Those buses / not going / airport / neither / taxis.
62. You / not / want / sell / house last year ?
63. He / stop / smoke / save / money . 
64. My brother / not drive / carefully / I.
65. It / difficult / prevent / people / park here.
Keys – practice 26
I. (2,5 p)
1. A	2. C	3. A	4. C	5. A
II. (2,5 p)
	6. B	7. B	8. C	9. A	10. B	
III. (10 p)
11. A
16. A
21. A
26. A
12. B
17. C
22. C
27. D
13. D
18. D
23. C
28. A
14. A
19. B
24. A
29. C
15. C
20. D
25. C
30. A
IV. (8 p)
	31. hot	32. difference	33. magician	34. carelessly
	35. sleepy	36. boring	37. celebrations	38. scientists
V. (10 p)
39. B
40. A
41. C
42. C
43. B
44. A
45. C
46. C
47. A
48. A
VI. (5 p)
	49. C	50. D	51. B	52. B	53. A
VII. (7 p)
54. The movie was not good enough to me to see
55. He told us to shut the door but not to lock it
56. We are going to have our car repaired next week.
57. Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at work.
58. You’ve to see the headmaster.
59. Don’t forget to check your flight numbers.
60. The new was so bad that Helen burst into tears.
VIII. (5 p)
	61. Those buses are not going to the airport and neither are taxis.
	62. Didn’t you want to sell the house last year ?
	63. He stops smoking to save money
	64. My brother doesn’t drive carefully as I do.
	65. It is difficult to prevent people from parking here.

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