Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Khối 6

V. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use Present Simple.
1. They ______________ (play) football and basketball at school.
2. My father ______________ (read) the newspaper every morning.
3. We ______________ (have) English, Maths and Science on Monday.
4. She never ______________(do) her homework.
5. I ______________ (go) swimming on weekends.
6. Cars ______________ (be) expensive and comfortable.
7. Jane always ______________ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock.
8 He usually ______________ (watch) TV after dinner.
9. London ______________ (be) a very big country.
10. I ______________ (be) a student and my parents ______________ (be) teachers.
11. Before Tet, people ______________(buy) fruits and flowers.
12. Everyone ____________(watch) fireworks or a parade.
13. I like _____________(get) lucky money, candy and gifts.
13. She usually___________ (eat) special food at Tet.
14. People ___________ (visit) all the members of their family on Tet holiday.
15. Do you___________(like) drama?
PRACTICE THEME 1 – GRADE 6 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. Money sorry morning story _______________ Now town down grow _______________ Floor cool room noodle _______________ House about hour country _______________ Lunch fun judo sun _______________ Gym balcony tidy cycle _______________ Apartment basement yard garden _______________ Mother wonderful homework money _______________ Study subject lunch music _______________ History hour house hero _______________ Practice with the main stress Two stresses Two stresses Three stresses Four stresses water /ˈwɑːtər / defeat /dɪˈfiːt / decorate /ˈdekəreɪt / traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl / worker /ˈwɜːrkər / admire /ədˈmaɪər / company /ˈkʌmpəni / information /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn / garage /ɡəˈrɑːdʒ / decide /dɪˈsaɪd / factory /ˈfæktri / /ˈfæktəri / technology /tekˈnɑːlədʒi / basement /ˈbeɪsmənt / question /ˈkwestʃən / government /ˈɡʌvərnmənt / geography /dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi / physics /ˈfɪzɪks / history /ˈhɪstri / assistant /əˈsɪstənt / activity /ækˈtɪvəti / parade /pəˈreɪd / subject /ˈsʌbdʒekt / apartment /əˈpɑːrtmənt / calculator /ˈkæl·kjəˌleɪ·t̬ər/ survey /ˈsɜːrveɪ / Bathroom/ˈbæθ.ruːm/ restaurant /ˈrestərɑːnt / lucky /ˈlʌki / kitchen /ˈkɪtʃ·ən/ firework /ˈfaɪərwɜːrk / arrive /əˈraɪv / cupboard /ˈkʌb·ərd/ understand /ˌʌndərˈstænd / collect /kəˈlekt / Children /ˈtʃɪldrən/ literature /ˈlɪtrətʃə(r) / mystery /ˈmɪstri / doctor /ˈdɒktə(r)/ biology /baɪˈɑːlədʒi / army /ˈɑːrmi / bookcase/ˈbʊkkeɪs/ detective /dɪˈtektɪv / hero /ˈhɪərəʊ / /ˈhiːroʊ / hundred /ˈhʌndrəd/ general /ˈdʒenrəl / leader /ˈliːdər / Father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ victory /ˈvɪktəri / teacher /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ bookshelf /ˈbʊkʃelf/ important /ɪmˈpɔːrtnt / window /ˈwɪndəʊ/ interesting /ˈɪntrestɪŋ / classmate /ˈklæs.meɪt/ armchair /ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)/ Family /ˈfæməli/ judo /ˈdʒuː.doʊ/ engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/ wardrobe /ˈwɔːr.droʊb/ apartment /əˈpɑːrt.mənt/ dishwasher /ˈdɪʃˌwɑʃ·ər/ eraser /ɪˈreɪzə(r)/ Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others Classmate wardrobe teacher arrive __________ Judo leader collect lucky __________ Bookshelf decide children doctor __________ Family apartment dishwasher general __________ Government restaurant important interesting __________ Decorate company firework assistant __________ Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1. My house has six rooms. → There 2. The airport isn’t far from the new shopping center. → The airport is 3. There isn’t a clock in the living room. → We 4. The house is behind the big trees. → There are big trees 5. There are only a few biscuits in the box. → There aren’t 6. There are two bathrooms in that apartment. → That apartment 7. I like the living room most. → My favourite 8. Is there a garden in front of the house? → Does the house V. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use Present Simple. 1. They ______________ (play) football and basketball at school. 2. My father ______________ (read) the newspaper every morning. 3. We ______________ (have) English, Maths and Science on Monday. 4. She never ______________(do) her homework. 5. I ______________ (go) swimming on weekends. 6. Cars ______________ (be) expensive and comfortable. 7. Jane always ______________ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock. 8 He usually ______________ (watch) TV after dinner. 9. London ______________ (be) a very big country. 10. I ______________ (be) a student and my parents ______________ (be) teachers. 11. Before Tet, people ______________(buy) fruits and flowers. 12. Everyone ____________(watch) fireworks or a parade. 13. I like _____________(get) lucky money, candy and gifts. 13. She usually___________ (eat) special food at Tet. 14. People ___________ (visit) all the members of their family on Tet holiday. 15. Do you___________(like) drama? VI. Complete the sentences with the question words. What(2) When Where How(3) Who (2) Why 1. does the first lesson begin? - At seven o’clock. 2. are you going? - To the library. 3. do you usually bring to school? - Textbooks, notebooks and pens. 4. do you go to school? - By bike. 5. is Mary talking to? - Mrs. Berry, her English teacher. 6. is your favorite subject? - Maths. 7. is your first day at school? - Oh, it’s great. 8. does the most housework? – My mother. 9. don’t you sign up for it? – Yes, good idea. 10. ___________ do people prepare for Christmas? – They decorate their homes and buy gifts.
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